Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Paris Hilton Going to Rwanda

Paris Hilton is on a mission to change her image, heading to Rwanda on a trip she hopes will allow her to leave a mark on the world -- and possibly create another reality TV show.

The 26-year-old a hotel heiress said in June that she was a changed person and vowed to shed her party-girl image after leaving jail where she served three weeks for violating probation in a drunken-driving case.

"Before, my life was about having fun, going to parties -- it was a fantasy," Hilton told Newsweek magazine, opting to speak to the news-focused journal rather than a celebrity magazine. "But when I had time to reflect, I felt empty inside. I want to leave a mark on the world."

She has acknowledged she has long enjoyed the Hollywood party scene but she said she spent her time in jail reading the Bible and praying to God for strength, deciding to give new meaning to her life by pursuing charity work.

During her trip to Rwanda, Hilton will be visiting schools and health-care clinics and staying in accommodations a long shot from the Hilton Hotels owned by her family.

"I'm scared, yeah. I've heard it's really dangerous," she told Newsweek (www.newsweek.com) in an issue on newsstands from October 15. "I've never been on a trip like this before."

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Paris Hilton In Prison

Paris Hilton will have a very unglamorous new address if prosecutors get their way: the Los Angeles County jail. The city attorney's office filed documents in Superior Court recommending the hotel heiress and TV star be jailed for 45 days for violating terms of her probation for an alcohol-related reckless driving conviction.

Prosecutors also want Hilton to stay away from alcohol for 90 days and wear a monitoring device that will chart whether she complies. And they are seeking to have her license suspended for an additional four months.
The recommendation will be reviewed by a judge when Hilton appears for a probation violation hearing on Friday. The judge can accept it or impose a different penalty. The maximum penalty is 90 days in jail.
City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo said Hilton is being treated the same as anyone else.
"Anyone who would have conducted themselves in a way that resulted in this set of facts, we would have made the same recommendation of 45 days in county jail, regardless of whether they were a celebrity or not," he said Thursday.

Delgadillo said he is requesting Hilton serve her time in the county jail, but where she is incarcerated is up to the judge. He said Hilton could request to be housed in a jail of her choice but if the judge grants that she would be required to pay the costs of her incarceration.

Hilton, 26, pleaded no contest in January to reckless driving stemming from a Sept. 7 arrest in Hollywood. Police said she appeared intoxicated and failed a field sobriety test. She had a blood-alcohol level of .08 percent, the level at which an adult driver is in violation of the law.
Hilton said she had only a single margarita at a charity event that evening but may have been "speeding a little bit" while on her way to get a hamburger.

A no-contest plea is not an admission of guilt but is equivalent to a guilty plea for determining sentencing. She was sentenced to 36 months probation, alcohol education and $1,500 in fines.
Two other traffic stops are what landed Hilton back in court.
On Jan. 15 she was pulled over by California Highway Patrol. Officers informed Hilton she was driving on a suspended license and she signed a document acknowledging she was not to drive, according to court papers.

She then was stopped by Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies on Feb. 27 and charged with violating her probation. Police said she was pulled over at about 11 p.m. after authorities saw the car speeding with its headlights off.
Hilton's spokesman, Elliot Mintz, said at the time she wasn't aware her license was suspended. A call Thursday to Mintz was not immediately returned.

Prosecutors say by signing the document after the first incident Hilton knew she was not to drive. They also note that as of April 17 she had yet to enroll in the required alcohol education program.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Online Dating

A new online dating site has been launched.The name: JustSayHi.com.It's totally different from other sites because it's 100% free and no credit card is ever required.It covers all states of the US and you can find thousands of fun, attractive, men and women in your area.The design is clean and simple.I think it's a good try because they are not a lot of free dating sites out there.Take a look and try them both if you like.It was time to see a free dating site like JustSayHi. A lot of companies claim to offer free online dating services but we all know that that it's not true.Now you can enjoy the same features as any paid dating site for free!

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Paris Is Ready For Her Close Up

By this point, I'm sure you're used to Paris Hilton The Serious Female Actor and are patiently awaiting the premiere of her first Serious (with a capital S, natch) movie, nay, film, The Hottie and The Nottie. This epic will surely bring our blonde celebutant into the highest echelons of acting and she will soon be sitting alongside the Streeps and Hepburns of the world at award shows for years to come. Which is why, of course, it's so shocking to hear that she may be (but maybe not!) acting like a bratty brat on the set. Here's more:

Paris Hilton, supposedly has been late arriving on the set of "The Hottie and the Nottie," and had trouble learning her lines. "Everyone is really fed up with her right now," said our tipster.

But producer Hadeel Reda told Page Six: "Paris has never been more than 15 minutes late. Everything is memorized. She's been very professional."

Hilton has been studying with Ivana Chubbuck, one of the top acting coaches in Hollywood, Reda said. "I think people are going to be shocked at how good she is."

Especially considering people are probably expecting her to spend the entire film dancing like an idiot, pulling down her top and spewing racial slurs. Nowhere to go but up. By the way, Ivana Chubbuck may be the best name for an acting coach ever.

Kitson Rolls Out New T-Shirt Concept

President Monkey heralds the arrival of Kitson's latest Paris Hilton-themed t's.
· Judge for yourself: Did Denise Richards bring some snow to the beach? Bonus: Telephoto lenses have rarely been used for purposes this disturbing. [NSFW]
· The Golden Cage: It's just like Big Brother, except it could go on forever and there might be actual prostitutes, not just the usual, fame-seeking kind you see on reality TV.
·Free Ignignokt! (T-shirt to follow, if there already isn't one.)
· There was a time in our lives when this news would have made us really, really happy. Now it just makes us want to put on Women and Children First and pray it's a hoax.

Britney Spears Begging K-Fed To Come Back

According to close friends of Kevin Federline, Britney Spears has allegedly been making late-night phone calls to K-Fed in hopes of getting him back. They also say Britney's relationship with Isaac Cohen is just a ruse to make Kevin jealous. Other sources say Britney is completely over him and that when they do talk it's about their two kids.
According to these sources, the reports that Britney will ante up $25 mil to K-Fed to end their marriage are ridiculous. One connected source says the $25 million figure is grossly inflated, "by 25 times." In other words, the bad news is that K-Fed will be a millionaire. The good news -- just barely.
I'm pretty sure Kevin Federline's "close friends" are really just him calling up reporters from his motel room and pretending to be other people. And after making up fake stories about himself he lies in bed crying, wishing he didn't have to save money for breakfast so he could order some porn. EDIT: I added some more pics of Britney Spears at Target because, well, they're funny.

Paris Hilton: Terrible Actor?!

Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton have been having trouble on their respective movie sets. A source on the set of I Know Who Killed Me says that ever since she went to the Wonderland clinic, Lindsay Lohan has been trailed by a "sober coach" as well as an entourage, and has been "moody and is making everyone miserable around her. She'll be late and sometimes won't come out of her trailer." As for Paris Hilton, a source says she's been arriving late on the set of The Hottie and the Nottie and has trouble learning her lines. A source adds: "Everyone is really fed up with her right now." I'm not sure how this is news. I mean, sure, memorizing lines is easy for the average person, but expecting Paris Hilton to do it with the brain she was given is like expecting a mouse to build you a working rocket ship.
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