Saturday, February 3, 2007

Paris Is Ready For Her Close Up

By this point, I'm sure you're used to Paris Hilton The Serious Female Actor and are patiently awaiting the premiere of her first Serious (with a capital S, natch) movie, nay, film, The Hottie and The Nottie. This epic will surely bring our blonde celebutant into the highest echelons of acting and she will soon be sitting alongside the Streeps and Hepburns of the world at award shows for years to come. Which is why, of course, it's so shocking to hear that she may be (but maybe not!) acting like a bratty brat on the set. Here's more:

Paris Hilton, supposedly has been late arriving on the set of "The Hottie and the Nottie," and had trouble learning her lines. "Everyone is really fed up with her right now," said our tipster.

But producer Hadeel Reda told Page Six: "Paris has never been more than 15 minutes late. Everything is memorized. She's been very professional."

Hilton has been studying with Ivana Chubbuck, one of the top acting coaches in Hollywood, Reda said. "I think people are going to be shocked at how good she is."

Especially considering people are probably expecting her to spend the entire film dancing like an idiot, pulling down her top and spewing racial slurs. Nowhere to go but up. By the way, Ivana Chubbuck may be the best name for an acting coach ever.

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