Thursday, May 17, 2012

Birthers, How Can We Miss You When You Will Not Go Away?

A 1991 literary publisher’s biography of Barack Obama claims the future president was born in Kenya.. The biography is neither proof Obama is not a natural born citizen, now is it an error as his literary agent claims.. Obama and the publisher thought they could sell more books with an immigrant becomes an American success story, so they lied about obama’s origins.

The significance of the error’s discovery proves two things. One, Obama will lie about anything for personal gain. Two, even he never dreamed he would become president some day. Neither of these is a surprise. People lie all the time for personal game. I, for one, am more shocked that Americans were dumb enough to elect obama than the Republicans were to nominate John McCain to run against him. Marginally. I believe I am approaching maximum capacity when it comes to cynicism.

No, wait--I have enough for three more paragraphs…

The Telegraph feels compelled to ask how the American media missed this during the 2008 presidential election. The question is easy to answer--our media has no objectivity when it comes to progressive versus conservative politicians. Ergo, there is no need to check Obama’s birth status, relationship with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, allegiance to black liberation theologian Jeremiah Wright, or alleged drug use in college, so journalists are free to rummage through garbage cans in Wasilla, Alaska at their leisure to come up with trah--literally, as it were--on Sarah Palin. Palin had an "R” next to her name instead of a "D” like Obama.

Do take a moment to appreciate European media has taken a moment to take note of the lack of professionalism their colleagues across the pond have been engaging in.

The saddest part of the literary biography coming to light is that it will get the birthers fired up again. As with 9/11 truthers, the more adamant the denial of a conspiracy, the more certain the birthers will believe there is one. Bonus points if they add a Andrew Breitbart was murdered because he knew to much element to it.

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