Saturday, June 23, 2012

Formspring Question #425--Across the Universe II Edition

Following up on the SGU thing: Is not at least a good idea to just watch the pilot of Universe (Air, pt 1-3), so that you have the chance of at least judging it on your own, instead of dismissing it because of the opinions of others?
It would be a good idea if I had any interest in watching Stargate Universe. Since I possess no such interest, it is difficult to classify any any attention paid to Stargate Universe as a good idea. I guarantee I am not alone in my lack of interest. If I put up a poll asking if readers would like Stargate Universe reviews next instead of Farscape or Babylon 5, Stargate Universe would lose in a landslide.

Come on. Even your sales pitch for Stargate Universe apologetically said 3/4 of the episodes were meandering. The show's peoblems were bad enough even devout fans fled. I cannot see deboting a month and a half to this. I just cannot see how spending five or six weeks reviewing a show virtually no one cares about would be worthwhile.

I can still hear the crickets chirping from my Red Dwarf reviews last year. There have been a couple murder/suicide incidents among them since. Do you want that on your conscience?

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