Saturday, June 30, 2012

Formspring Question #430-The Anatomy of an Attack Edition

Love reading your attacks on John Roberts regarding the ACA. Do you still consider him to be "one of the greatest legal minds we have"?
The only person I have ever encountered online who has gone through seven years worth of blogging in order to find a quote to bring up for contemporary times is Project Savior. He did it last year when he went all the way back to February 2005 to find a positive quote regarding Star Trek: Enterprise in order to whine about me not reviewing the series. A couple weeks later, he made a complete jackass out of himself in the comments section of a post regarding the I-beam cross being allowed at the 9/11 memorial and vowed he would never return since I was not going to review ENT. You can check out that post for his long trolling history with me.

This question certainly fits his motif who else could pull out quotes from a blog post regarding John Roberts’ confirmation hearings seven years ago? Project Savior appears to have dumped his old blog for some new digs.. With it stellar Technorati rating standing at a whopping #1, it looks like his satirical look at the world, religion, politics, and life is going about as well as it ever has.

At least I hope it is Project Savior. Dear Lord, I do not need another obsessive online stalker. Have mercy.

Whoever my inquisitor is, he has no clue what constitutes an attack, particularly not in an adversarial system like law. I have written two posts regarding the Supreme court’s ruling on ObamaCare. In the first, I mention Chief Justice John Roberts once in an addendum, saying that he has “stretched his definition of the mandate to interpret it as a tax.. the second post does not mention Roberts at all. I only call the ObamaCare ruling dubious.

How anyone can consider “stretched the definition” and ’dubious’ to be attacks is beyond me. Even the most hypersensitive of souls would have a hard time taking offense. I am quite confident a grown man and jurist at the pinnacle of his career like Roberts can handle it. If you want to see an actual attack, look no further than Michael Savage’s accusation Roberts’ epilepsy medication affects his cognitive thinking skills. Now that is an attack on Roberts.

Do I still think Roberts is one of the finest legal minds we have? Of course, I do. Jusyices, judges, and lawyers get it wrong all the time. It does not mean they are idiots because I do not agree on a particular issue. You have an embarrassingly shallow grasp of how I operate if you believe I would change my mind about a man’s intelligence and/or skill over one incident. Get real.

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