Monday, May 21, 2012

Marin County Country Club Liberals Spoil George Lucas' Studio Expansion Plan

George Lucas knows how to win friends and influence people in and out of Star Wars fandom, does he not?I I guess we should thank those aging, affluent hippies. Lucas was planning to expand his studios. Since his creative contributions over the last fifteen years have been screwed up the original Star Wars trilogy numerous times, dropping the turd of a prequel trilogy, and CGI gophers in Indiana Jones, they have probably done us a big favor. Lucas might have used the new studio to make Han solo and Greedo kiss and make up for a third or fourth Blu-Ray release.

On a less science fiction geek note, I like to see citizens exercise their political power. While I admit to be pretty much an unfettered capitalist who often is dismayed when Marin County progressive types keep out evil, blood-sucking corporations Wal-Mart at the cost of numerous new jobs and cheap, convenient shopping, I am usually thrilled when a certain gaudiness is kept at bay. Disney has been rebuffed by both northern Virginians over a sanitized Civil War theme park and by my fellow South Carolina faithful nixed a proposed theme park which would have turned Myrtle Beach into the next Orlando. We have too many yankees here already, folks. We might have foregone a hefty hunk of change, but even capitalists cannot turn all God’s country into real estate.

I do find Lucas' denial that his plan was any kind of vindictive act against his neighbors. He has been on the defensive so much for his inconsiderate, greedy behavior in the last few years, public denial is his automatic response. He plans to sell the land for low income housing in an effort to appease his neighbors’ sensibilities. It is probably wise. Disgruntled Marin County residents have been known to join the Taliban.

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