Wednesday, June 6, 2012

14-Year-Old Radio Host: " Homosexuality Is A Choice No Matter What Lady Gaga and Obama Says"

14-year-old radio talk show host , Caiden Cowger , blasts homosexuality as a choice people make "no matter what Lady Gaga says."

Caiden Cowger states the homosexuality "problem" is out of control in his state of West Virginia. 30 kids in his county- many of whom grew up with him-  have chosen to be gay.

Cowger claims that Obama and Biden are both personally responsible for turning people gay.

The kid is doing West Virginia obviously no favors.

No one can make you gay. You are gay because you are born this way! It's not a choice! What is wrong with being who you truly are? I give him the benefit of being so young...Hope this kid won't turn out a racist in the future!

Watch the video below in order to hear Cowger's opinion about  homosexuality.


What do you think of it?

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