Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Amanda Bynes To Obama: "Fire The Cop Who Arrested Me"

First of all: "Do you think that the White House has the authority to intervene on Hollywood DUI matters?"

Troubled actress Amanda Bynes issued a Twitter plea to President @BarackObama to "fire the cop" who arrested her for a drunk driving on April 6: an incident where she allegedly sideswiped a sheriff’s patrol car in West Hollywood, California.

The weird Tweet came moments after Los Angeles prosecutors announced they’d charged Bynes with driving under the influence.

Bynes, 26 ,will be arraigned Wednesday morning in Beverly Hills but doesn’t have to attend the hearing. Instead, she will have a lawyer enter a plea of not guilty.

It has to be noted that the misdemeanor complaint filed in court Tuesday alleged Bynes refused to take a test at the time that could’ve determined whether she was drunk or under the influence of drugs.

Bynes faces a suspended driver’s license for a year.

Since that incident, Bynes hasn’t exactly stayed out of trouble.

She was allegedly being investigated for involvement in another hit-and-run on April 10 and was later accused of texting and driving after leaving Hollywood nightclub Greystone Manor, though she was never ticketed.

Of that media report and her alleged crimes, Bynes tweeted:

    "I cant help but laugh at all of you writing fake stories about me. I was not in any hit and runs. I don’t drink so the DUI is false."

No word yet from Obama...

Do you think that President Obama will intervene on Amanda's trouble with the law? Should he?

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