Sunday, June 17, 2012

Blogroll Spotlight #160

It is time for the weekly round up of favorite posts from my blogroll. These are not ranked, but in alphabetical order by blog title. If you would like a specific post listed next week, you may email it to me and I will include it.

Adrienne's Corner-Some Things Never Get Old
American Perspective-English guinea pig obtains harem
American Power-Senior White House Adviser David Plouffe Claims Obama's Backdoor Amnesty 'Not Political' (VIDEO)
Amusing Bunni's Musings-Even Animals know how to be Fathers!
Blog of the Nightfly-Falling off the edge of the world
Bluegrass Pundit-Chart of the Day: Adjusted vs. Unadjusted Temperature Trend
Bride of Rove-The road to hell is paved with good intentions
Camp of the Saints-Rule 5 Saturday: B R O O K E L E E A D A M S . . .
Classic Liberal-theCL Report: How To Die
Colossus of Rhodey--The New Civility
Daley Gator-Well, someone sure took their Loony Leftist Vitamins this weekend
Diogenes' Middle Finger-Beware! Are Lefties in Hollywood Messing with the Classic Movies?
Fishersville Mike-Darden, part 2
Goldfish and Clowns-It Ends Tonight
Gormogons-I'm Batman (of Earth 47932, at least...)
House of Eratosthemes-The Argument-Winner-In-Chief
Laughing Conservative--Rubio shows hints of greatness
Lazy Farmer-Progress... One more step towards Wine Country and for more step away from the way it "used to be." -And the way I like it...
Legal Insurrection-Keep Richard Mourdock strong
Lonely Conservative-Historic Obama – Biggest Spender in History
Maggie's Notebook-Barack Obama New Record: Biggest Spender in World History
Motor City Times-Video: Rugbeer- The vending machine you tackle to get your beer
Mew Atlantean--In What Way is Matt Drudge Racist?
Other McCain-Hey, Greece: Just Remember, Austrian Economics Don’t Work
Paco Enterprises-Botanical Inquiry
Pirate's Cove-If All You See...
Proof Positive-Saturday Linkaround
Pundit & Pundette-2011: "America is a nation of laws"; 2012: "I didn't ask for an argument" [updated]
Randy's Roundtable-Thursday Nite Tart: Sunny Leone
Reaganite Republican-Reaganite's Sunday Funnies
Riehl World View-
Sentry Journal-Conservatives sabotaging conservatism
Teresamerica-Face of Pro-Life: Religious Liberty
Troglopundit-This Week in Automotivators, June 11-17
We the People-Obama offers Immunity to certain immigrants
Woodsterman--Flag Day ~ OR ~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
WyBlog-Good news NJ feminists, Susan G. Komen is funding infanticide so taxpayers don't have to
Zilla of the Resistance-Kings of Pain

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