Friday, June 15, 2012

Casey Anthony Breaks Silence On Piers Morgan: "I Did Not Kill My Daughter"

Piers Morgan landed an exclusive 10-minute telephone interview with Casey Anthony and later reviewed what was discussed with her attorney J. Cheney Mason.

Casey Anthony claimed: "If anything, there’s nothing in this world l’ve ever been more proud of, and there’s no one I loved more than my daughter (Caylee)." Casey even added that her late child was her "greatest accomplishment."

In addition Casey tried to address the public persona that she’s just a thrill-seeking girl looking to party. She revealed she’s "never been a party girl" and added: "I don’t drink now," and that she’s "probably had a handful of beers" since being placed on probation.

As for the widely reported idea that she was intending to rake in money by revealing her side of the story the now 26-year-old kind-of, sort-of denied it.

    "I’m not making gazillions of dollars at the hands of other people, or trying to sell myself to anyone willing to throw a couple of dollars at me."

It has to be said that Mason shared an anonymous letter in support of Anthony in which it was written:

    "At no time did any of the horrible news media ever choose to portray Casey as a good mother. And I never saw one photo, one video, that did not show a very loving and caring mother. A small child that was so open that there would have been clues in her expression or interaction with her mom that she had been mistreated in any way."

According to Mason, while in seclusion Anthony has been passing the days by reading "The Hunger Games" and watching reruns of "I Love Lucy". Casey confessed to Morgan that she was "ashamed in many ways" of her previous behavior that became so public during her trial, but that after having "gone through hell" she’s a more mature person now.

What do you think?
Is Casey Anthony innocent?

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