Friday, June 15, 2012

Formspring Question #419--No Dungeon Mastery Edition

Do you play D&D? I don’t know why, but you either seem like exactly the type or not the type at all if that makes any sense. Nerdy/picky enough to love it but perhaps too serious to get over that you are playing make-believe?
No, I have never role played. It is an extension of my general aversion to sword and sorcery fantasy. I did make reference to “chaotic good” a couple Stargate SG-1 reviews ago. Perhaps that brought the matter to your mind. The moral classification of role playing characters are in the general knowledge of geekdom.

I have played some video and computer games over the years that qualify as role playing, more or less. Legend of Zelda games, some Final Fantasy, and World of Warcraft Ii many, many moons ago. Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker was the last game of the type I have played. That was about eighth or nine years ago.

Would I like real deal role playing? Probably not. There was a role playing club at the University of South Carolina. Many members were friends of friends, so a few wound up hovering on the edge of my social circles. They did not strike me, a golf shirt and khakis College Republican who kept his comic book collection a closely guarded secret, as people with whom I had much in common.

My junior year, the club forgot to send one of their officers to a mandatory orientation meeting in order to qualify for a share of activity fees, so they made a concerted effort to take over the student Senate. One guy managed to get elected. He tried to filibuster until the entire Student Senate took up the issue of reconsidering the club’s budget lock out. Some senator--not me, BYW--took pity on him and seconded his motion, but the reconsideration was voted down unanimously. No one wanted their activity fees going to role playing games in the first place. Can you really blame us/? The guy became a pedantic pain in the butt the rest of the Senate term in revenge. The whole affair fanned the embers of my aversion to fantasy whatsis to a full blown, raging fire.

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