Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Violated Movie Rules By Driving !

Lindsay Lohan was reportedly not allowed to drive while shooting "Liz and Dick," because the insurance policy the production company took out made it more than clear that Lindsay was prohibited from getting behind the wheel.

Sources connected with the production reveal that the insurance company that issued the policy, which would take a major hit if Lindsay couldn't complete the film, was extremely reluctant to take the risk.The insurance company set many conditions on its coverage, one of which was banning Lindsay from the roads which have landed her in major trouble numerous times ( DUIs, car accidents etc.)

Sources claim the honchos producing the movie was aware of the fact that Lindsay was driving in violation of the policy, but it appears no one cared, that is until Lindsay hit a Porsche on Pacific Coast Highway, with a production SUV following right behind her.

As for the consequences, so far the insurance company hasn't attempted to cancel the policy or take other action.  For its part, the production company has made it crystal clear to Lindsay that she is not to drive for the duration of the filming. 

What do you think?

It appears that Lindsay doesn't give a damn about the law but most and foremost about her own life!

Photo credit: REUTERS

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