Friday, June 15, 2012

Stargate SG-1--"It's Good to Be King"

Maybourne appears for the final time in an episode that feels very much like it belongs in one of the earlier seasons. A welcome feel, that. Jack rejoins the SG-1 team for an off world adventure for the first time since his promotion to general. I think “it’s Good to Be King” is the first time our heroes have battled a full-fledged System Lord off world in a while, too. At the very least, it is the first time in a while they have killed one. Like I said, it seems like old times.

The Tok’ra, whom the Sgc have apparently reconnected with sometime between episodes, have intelligence that says minor System Lords are having a difficult time battling Ba’al’s Kull army acquired from Anubis, so they are retaking minor planets once abandoned in order to regroup. One of these planets is the retirement home of Maybourne. To prevent his capture and torture, Jack reluctantly orders the SG-1 team to retrieve him. When they arrive, they discover Maybourne does not want to leave. He has used some ancient writings on ruins to predict the future. In so doing, he has set himself up as a prophet/king. He has a sweet deal going.

Daniel in particular is intrigued by the Ancient writings. They appear to be only a few hundred years old and do tell of the future, which implies the Ancient had developed time travel. After searching, they find the time travel ship. Deciding the best thing to do is take it with them, they ask Jack to come to the planet to use his ancient knowledge to fly it.

Complicating matters is Maybourne. Not only does he not want to leave, he believes in a prophecy that visitors from another world are going to defeat the Goa’uld invaders. Surely that refers to the SG-1 team. To his credit, Maybourne reconsiders when it is brought to his attention there might still be casualties. As part of convincing his people to flee, he reveals the truth about his prophecies. However, the people appreciate his other accomplishments, so they declare loyalty and willingness to fight the Goa’uld anyway.

The SG-1 team shrugs, and decides to take the time jumper while leaving Maybourne and his people to their fate. Unfortunately, system lord ares’ First Prime, Trelak, arrives before they can depart. A battle insues, which is quite exciting, with Jack using the same weapon he used on Anubis to destroy Ares’ mothership nefore we even get a look at him. Interesting that the series has gone from introducing a replicator, but giving him no lines so the actor can be paid as an extra and talking about/killing a villain no one bothers to hire an actor to play. Now that is how you handle a tight budget, no?

So where does the money go? Towards Trelak. Trelak is played by Wayne Brady. Wayne Brady does not have to choke a b*tch, but he does threaten to kill a woman for resisting to declare allegiance to Ares. I suppose that counts.

When Jack steps through the stargate, he is greeted by Maybourne and some musicians. I am quite confident the musicians play the beginning of the Macgyver theme until Jack urges Maybourne to get them to knock it off. Gooling to make certain I heard right, I discover there is some dispute. The dispute is generally because the tune is short and played on flutes. However, it looks as though most fan agree it is the MacGyver theme. Including the theme and Jack’s annoyed reaction upon hearing fit in with the general humorous tone of the episode, so I am sticking with the idea that is what is being played.

When the title of an episode references a Mel Brooks film, it is safe to say it is not to be taken too seriously. It is good advice considering some issues. It is generally assumed Maybourne will be anxious to leave the primitive world, which makes one wonder why the Tok’ra dumped him there. Perhaps they do not like him, either. What happened to the Ancient who flew the time jumper? It is doubtful he was stranded since Sam go the time jumper powered up with her Macbook and Jack could fly it. Did he retire there himself? Why write about the future events? Were the events of this episode really that big a deal? I have heard time travel plays a part in the final episodes of the season, so maybe the significance will become more obvious, but for now, one has to gloss over some stuff to get into the plot.

I can do that, however. I appreciate the classic feel to “It’s Good to be King.” They actually got all four main characters in one place at the same time! On another planet after traveling through the stargate, no less! You would almost suspect this show is still called Stargate SG-1 or something. Early on, I did not care much for Maybourne, but he has grown on me since leaving the NID. He is an amusing character who has grown in a warped sort of why. I lament this is his final appearance, but at least it is a highly entertaining send off.

Rating: *** (out of 5)

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