Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Imperial President Really Gets Us

A couple of interesting news items today reveal much about the current presidential administration and the American people’s attitude towards their leadership. The first is Barack Obama invoking Nixonian executive privilege in refusing to hand over Fast and Furious documents. The second item is the revelation Obama has an edge in the polls over Mitt Romney because Romney is seen as out of touch.

Granted, invoking executive privilege may change voter opinion against what I am about to say in a day or two, but is t not dismaying we would rather have an imperial president because we think he is more personable than Romney? Never mind that politicians are playing a role for the public in the first place. Does anyone really believe Obama is any more likely than Romney to stand in your backyard, sipping a beer and playing horseshoes while you grill steaks/ Not even if you live in a swing state, buddy. The whole idea of choosing a president under the same criteria as choosing a bowling partner is sad and scary considering what is at stake in this election in particular.

Invoking executive privilege is just the latest in Obama’s flagrant disregard for the rule of law. Yes, those Fast Furious documents are a smoking gun, if you will pardon the pun., but Obama has made circumventing Congress the matter of course, refused to enforce immigration laws, and ignored the War Powers Act among his official dereliction od duty, as well as alienated allies and fumbled around while the Gulf suffered under a massive oil spill on a personal level. But all is forgiven because the average American would rather have a beer summit with Obama than Romney?

Unreal, people. I understand a candidate’s personality plays a big part in elections. I have also been behind the scenes of campaigns enough to know the Jekyll and Hyde aspect of the public versus private persona of politicians. Cynicism rules the day when it comes to judging what nice guys anyone ambitious enough to want the power of running the free world is really like behind closed doors. Obama does not even bother to hide his true contempt behind those closed doors. His true nature is out there for the entire country to see, as are four years worth the of devastating consequences of a president who believes he can ignore laws inconvenient to his agenda, but we are going to ignore all that because he seems like such a nice, fun guy? If so, why not just re-dub the president entertainer-in-chief and freely admit our only concern as a nation is trying to amuse ourselves?

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