Saturday, June 30, 2012

Formspring Question #430-The Anatomy of an Attack Edition

Love reading your attacks on John Roberts regarding the ACA. Do you still consider him to be "one of the greatest legal minds we have"?
The only person I have ever encountered online who has gone through seven years worth of blogging in order to find a quote to bring up for contemporary times is Project Savior. He did it last year when he went all the way back to February 2005 to find a positive quote regarding Star Trek: Enterprise in order to whine about me not reviewing the series. A couple weeks later, he made a complete jackass out of himself in the comments section of a post regarding the I-beam cross being allowed at the 9/11 memorial and vowed he would never return since I was not going to review ENT. You can check out that post for his long trolling history with me.

This question certainly fits his motif who else could pull out quotes from a blog post regarding John Roberts’ confirmation hearings seven years ago? Project Savior appears to have dumped his old blog for some new digs.. With it stellar Technorati rating standing at a whopping #1, it looks like his satirical look at the world, religion, politics, and life is going about as well as it ever has.

At least I hope it is Project Savior. Dear Lord, I do not need another obsessive online stalker. Have mercy.

Whoever my inquisitor is, he has no clue what constitutes an attack, particularly not in an adversarial system like law. I have written two posts regarding the Supreme court’s ruling on ObamaCare. In the first, I mention Chief Justice John Roberts once in an addendum, saying that he has “stretched his definition of the mandate to interpret it as a tax.. the second post does not mention Roberts at all. I only call the ObamaCare ruling dubious.

How anyone can consider “stretched the definition” and ’dubious’ to be attacks is beyond me. Even the most hypersensitive of souls would have a hard time taking offense. I am quite confident a grown man and jurist at the pinnacle of his career like Roberts can handle it. If you want to see an actual attack, look no further than Michael Savage’s accusation Roberts’ epilepsy medication affects his cognitive thinking skills. Now that is an attack on Roberts.

Do I still think Roberts is one of the finest legal minds we have? Of course, I do. Jusyices, judges, and lawyers get it wrong all the time. It does not mean they are idiots because I do not agree on a particular issue. You have an embarrassingly shallow grasp of how I operate if you believe I would change my mind about a man’s intelligence and/or skill over one incident. Get real.

Madonna's Workout Playlist

Many people -and especially Madonna fans- may wonder: "What songs does Madonna hear when she is working out?"

Well, Madonna's favourite songs during her workout are:

1. Axwell. "Watch the Sunrise" (Extended Vocal).

2. Tiesto& Maxi Jazz. "Dance 4 Life" (12″ Mix).
3. David Guetta. "Delirious".

  4.  Tiesto ft. Julie Thompson. "Do You Feel Me".

  5. Perfect Stranger. "Stardust" (Felguk Remix).
6. Jean Claude Ades. "Fly Away" (Gee & Lighter Remix).
7. Daft Punk. "Television Rules the Nation / Crescendolls."
 8.  Miles Dyson. "Massenbewegungsmittel."

  9.  Hong Kong Blondes. "Superfine".
10. Oakenfold ft. Ryan Tedder. "Not Over". 
What do you think of Madonna's workout playlist?
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The Real Life Barbie Valeria Lukyanova Disappeared Mysteriously! A Hoax ?

Valeria Lukyanova, a 21-year-old Ukrainian model, has turned herself into a real-life Barbie. 

As you can see from the photos, Lukyanova has got the long, straight blonde hair, the perfect ivory skin, the wide-eyed look and the heart-shaped mouth. Even more unbelievable, however, is her tiny, apparently carved-out waist and her disproportionally large breasts. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to claim that Lukyanova comes close to real-life Barbie proportions.

Plastic surgeon experts beleive that Valeria paid over $800,000 to look exactly like Barbie. So it's not out of the realm of possibility.

There are people who beleive that Lukyanova's Barbie looks are the result of excessive make-up and digital photo editing technology. 

There are also others who beleive that the Real Life Barbie is a hoax. They claim that this woman is not even real and behind her image there is someone who has an obsession with a plastic doll. He loves to take pictures of her and make videos that seem real. 

The truth is that many people were impressed by the Real Life Barbie and some expressed their desire to communicate with her via web camera or get an interview with her and she always denied those offers...Just for the record, I took a look today at Valeria's tumblr and it does not exist...In its place, there is a tumblr called: "Blog Finances" and it is written in French...What does that mean? Did Valeria strangely disappeared and the real person behind "her" account reveals his true identity?

What do you think?

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Erin Andrews Leaves ESPN: FOX Aggressively Pursues Her !

Erin Andrews is leaving ESPN potentially for Fox and its budding college football coverage. Richard Deitsch of "Sports Illustrated", who has been all over Erin Andrews potential defection from ESPN since March, wrote that Fox is "aggressively pursuing" Andrews.

Fox has declined to comment, but ESPN wished Andrews all the best on her future accomplishments.

It has to be mentioned that Andrews has had a meteoric rise to popularity in the last couple years after she re-signed with ESPN. She was given the big opportunity to host the first hour of the network's popular "College Football GameDay".  She also made an appearnace as a correspondent for "Good Morning America", performed interviews from the red carpet for the "2011 Oscars", showed her dancing moves on "Dancing with the Stars" and was even mentioned in the inaugural episode of Aaron Sorkin's new HBO media drama: "The Newsroom."

We have  to admit that Andrews made sideline reporting not only sexy but also smart and sports fans greatly appreciated that. No matter where Erin lands, she will undeniably bring a wide audience with her.

What do you think of Erin Andrews leaving ESPN?

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Full Metal Jacket Reach Around #157

It is time once again to round up all the bloggers gracious enough to link to me this week.

Proof Positive links to Eliza Dushku, Lucy Collett, Sarah Shahi, and Callie Thorne.
Say Anything links to Eliza Dushku, Lucy Collett, Sarah Shahi, and Callie Thorne.
Pirate's Cove links to FMJRA #156, Blogroll Spotlight #151, and Hayden Panettiere.
Sentry Journal links to The Imperial President Really Gets Us.
Classic Liberal links to Kaley Cuoco, Callie Thorne, Summer Glau, Sarah Shahi, Hayden Panettiere, Claudia Black, and Zooey Deschanel.
Motor City Times links to The Imperial President Really Gets Us.
Randy's Roundtable links Joanna Levesque and Mila Kunis.
Woodsterman acknowledges the Rule 5.
Dust of the Balance added The Eye to its blogroll.

A sincere thank you to all who linked this week. If you linked to me in the last week, but I do not have you here, you unfortunately fell through the cracks of Technorati, Google Blog Search, and Sitemeter. Please drop me a note in the comments and I will update with your link.

Stargate SG-1--"Babylon"

“Babylon” is described by fans as The Last Samurai meets TOS’ “Amok Time.” The timely reference to Tom Cruise--Katie Holmes has recently filed to divorce him--is apt not only for the similarities between the Japanese samurai in his aforementioned film and the Sodan Jaffa in “Babylon,“ but the dangerous religion presented by the false belief of scientology and that of Origin being spread to the Sodan. Somewhere in the mix is a Cam-centric story elaborating on his character.

The SG-1 team goes looking for a group of rebel Jaffa called the Sodan, whose defection predates Teal’c’s by thousands of years. They are ambushed by the Sodan. In the skirmish, Cam appears to kill one in self-defense. The Sodan flee using Ancient technology in order to disappear out of thin air. They take cam with them. The Sodan he supposed killed is revived by the surgical work of Dr. Lam. The Sgc spend a couple weeks interrogating him on about where to find Cam and, when they discover a Prior has visited the Sodan, tryin to convince him not to follow the Ori.

Simultaneously, Cam is in the Sodan village being trained for a ritualistic fighting match to the death in order to pay for the blood he shed. During his grueling training, Cam bonds with his trainer enough to convince hi m to question the Ori. Cam eventually learns his trainer is the brother of the Sodan he killed. Well, that is kind of hokey. It gets worse when the trainer helps poison cam during the duel so that he appears dead, thereby satisfying the rules of the match. He helps cam escape back to the stargate without knowing his brother is still alive until cam is back in touch with SGC.

William B. Davies, of Cigarette Smoking Man fame, makes his first appearance as a prior. He is given no dialogue, so one wonders if we are not just supposed to be surprised to see Davis in the role. I do not recall “Babylon” in first run, but I cannot imagine Davis was not in the promo Sci Fi used to run the heck out of during the week of a new episode. Oh, well. Davis’ sudden appearance is a neat surprise when one is relatively spoiler free.

The first appearance of the Sodan this late in the series is hihly awkward. Does it not seem strange of a group of rebel Jaffa that has existed for thousands of years might might have inspired Jaffa rebellion for a long time? Why did no one ever seek them out before now? The Sodan would have been invaluable in the final battle against the Goa’uld? Why seek them out now? Teal’c says he knew about the Sondan as a child. I understand the Sodan have just be created for the series, but their existence causes some retroactive issues.

I was not expecting much out of “Babylon.” The Sodan sounded like a bunch of Klingons, and that is pretty much what they wound up being. One of them was even played by TNG/DS9’s Kurn actor Tony Todd. Call me jaded, but this warrior code, fight to the death to honor a blood debt out of honor thing has become awfully clichĂ©. There has not been anything new or exciting added to the concept within science fiction since the Klingons were converted from Soviet allegory to Japanese shoguns in the late ’80’s-early ’90’s. The “Amk Time” ending, complete with Star Trek joke, does not help “Babylon”’s lack of originality.

Cam needed an episode all about him, but they could have done much better than this. Some flashbacks to his injury rehab after the Battle of Antarctica would have been more interesting. Still, I cannot fauly “Babylon” for much more than it lack of originality. It is not a bad episode, but just abour anyone could have written it oif given nothing but the general plot with which to work.

Rating: *** (out of 5)

Tom Cruise Nose

Tom Cruise has apparently had a nose job (rhinoplasty). 

Judging by the before and after photos there are noticeable changes in the size and shape of Tom Cruise's nose.

Plastic surgeon Dr. John Di Saia quoted as saying: "I’ve seen images of him as a younger man. He seems to have had a nose or two."
The nose job may just have made Tom's career and whoever was Tom's plastic surgeon was undoubtedly highly talented and skilled. 
His new nose fits his face perfectly and unlike other celebrity nose jobs where both the bridge and the tip of the nose is made smaller, in the Tom Cruise nose job only the bridge is made smaller.

While earlier, his bridge was bigger, it has been shortened. Along with this his entire nose has been made more sophisticated and elegant. Certainly the end product is truly great (this is the reason many others demand the Tom Cruise nose job), one which completely suits him. 
What do you think of Tom Cruise's nose job? Are there significant differences in Tom's nose now compared to the past?

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Katie Holmes Divorcing Tom Cruise

Katie Holmes has finally had enough of weirdo Tom cruise and filed for divorce to the surprise of absolutely no one. Scientology kookiness finally drive her to leave. There is another point that should shock absolutely no one. Holmes is seeking full custody of Suri to avoid any further indoctrination into Scientology for her daughter.

Interesting fact--all three of Rom Cruise’s divorces came when his wife was 33. Thirty-three must be the magic number for clarity regarding Scientology fanatics.

Katie Holmes And Tom Cruise Divorce: Huge Tax Problems For Tom Cruise !

According to sources close to the pair, Katie Holmes' decision to file for divorce in New York may have created huge tax problems for Tom Cruise.

As it was said on previous posts, Katie filed divorce documents in NYC, in large part because she wants sole legal custody of Suri. The reason why she filed for divorce in NYC is because New York courts are way more likely to grant Katie sole legal custody and control over child-rearing decisions than California courts.

But the problem here is that ( according to sources connected with the couple ) Tom has been trying to do everything legally within his power to avoid strong ties to New York City because the tax rates are ridiculously high and he does not want any appearance that he or Katie have been living there.

There are documents which show Tom deeded their NYC apartment to Katie last August and it was reportedly done specifically for tax purposes. The deed lists a transfer to a trust, but it has been confirmed that it's a trust established for the benefit of Katie.

Sources reveal that Katie is using the apartment to establish residency in New York for the purpose of the divorce, something that can screw Tom's taxes.

It's pretty obvious that Tom is not gonna let Katie dictate New York as the venue for the divorce. He clearly considers California as the place he must be.

What do you think?

Photo credit: WENN

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Usher's Stalker Hospitalized For Mental Evaluation !

According to law enforcement sources, the woman arrested in front of Usher's house last weekend was later admitted to a psych ward for mental evaluation after insisting she was his wife.

To be more specific, Darshelle Jones-Rakestraw, 26, was arrested outside Usher's Georgia home Sunday after disobeying a criminal trespass warning, ordering her to stay off his property.

Cops issued the warning the previous day, when Darshelle appeared to Usher's house the first time and someone on the property had to call the cops.

It has to be mentioned that when cops arrived Sunday in response to a suspicious person call, they found Darshelle on the front porch using her iPad.

According to the report, Usher had spotted her on his surveillance camera and called the police himself.

Once they identified her, cops arrested Darshelle for violating the criminal trespass warning but she was in such a bizarre mental state that even the jailers refused to take her!

According to the documents, Darshelle kept insisting she was Usher's wife and he makes all her decisions which is absolutely insane talk because Usher is not married.

As a result, cops claim Darshelle was taken to Emory Johns Creek Hospital instead, where she was admitted for a mental evaluation. She was released shortly after with a copy of the charges against her. Darshelle's due in court next month.

Well, the reports don't reveal the results of the mental evaluation but it is more than certain that something is really wrong with this woman. Usher will be  completely vindicated in court!

What do you think?

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Lane Garrison Domestic Violence Case: Bailed Out Of Jail !

Former "Prison Break" star Lane Garrison has finally bailed out of jail after being locked up for more than 2 months.

It has to be noted that Lane was arrested on April 22 after allegedly striking his ex-girlfriend in the face during a blowout fight in Beverly Hills. He has reportedly remained in custody ever since because he was on a parole hold for his 2007 vehicular manslaughter conviction.

Lane posted $50,000 bail and later he was released. 

He's due in court July 11 for a hearing in the domestic violence case. He pled not guilty and claims he never struck his ex-girlfriend.

But for Lane's bad luck there is a surveillance footage posted by celebrity website TMZ of the April fight, which shows Lane hitting Ashley Mattingly in the face.

It appears that Mr. Garrison apart from having serious anger management issues, he is a liar as well...
What do you think?

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Friday, June 29, 2012

Poll: Voters Dislike ObamaCare Ruling

Voters disapprove of the Supreme Court's euling on ObamaCare 50%-45%. Respondents believe politics played a role in the decision, and their belief is only going to be solidified between now and November as the Obama administration works to downplay the "tax" label in favor of "penalty." not only is that a silly game of semantics, penalty is not exactly a more pleasant concept than tax.

No matter. ObamaCare has been declared a tax. The term tax is going to stick in voters minds no matter what alternative progressive offer up. While I still question the legal interpretation of the mandate as a tax, as far as the political aspect of the ruling goes, ObamaCare opponents have it about the best they could short of complete repeal.

Of course, if a large chunk of voters hate the ruling because it was politically motivated, then they probably also hate how the ruling has set up the 2012 election as a referendum on ObamaCare. The sword cuts both ways. let the struggle begin anew regardless!

Lindsay Lohan Suicide Photo Shoot With Terry Richardson !

Lindsay Lohan has posed once again for controversial photographer Terry Richardson at one of her favorite haunts, the "Chateau Marmont" in Los Angeles.

It has to be noted that some of the shots may have been too edgy even for the boundary-pushing pair.

In several of the photos, Lohan is depicted with a gun, including images meant to evoke suicide.

The gun pics have since been pulled from Richardson’s website.

In the other photos, two of Lindsay's more regular accessories -exposed nipples and cigarettes - are prominently featured.

Sky Ferreira also makes an appearance.

 Just in the rare case you have missed it, Lohan was the centerpiece of a similar black-and-white Richardson spread back in February.

What do you think of Lindsay's suicidal photo shoot?

Shockingly beautiful or disturbing?

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Mila Kunis: "I Would Like To Try Online Dating"

Mila Kunis is obviously stunning, but Mila claims that she would definitely resort to online dating if she wasn’t a celebrity!

Mila is Glamour's August cover girl and she made the following statement to the magazine: "If I didn’t do what I do, I would do Internet dating instead of going out to bars. In two seconds I would. It makes so much more sense."

Kunis, 28, also revealed that she has helped her friends find guys online, and even messages them herself to get a good idea of who they'll be going out with! "I go on and I pick the guys for my friends. I think it’s great! It’s online shopping! We all get together with our laptops and have a glass of wine. Then we message the guy," Mila quoted as saying.

When Kunis was asked about dating  Ashton Kutcher, she insisted: "Ninety-nine percent of it is bulls--t. That is the biggest form of bullyingever, the paparazzi. Printing lies, making accusations, it’s just bullying."

What do you think of Mila's statements about online dating?
Would you go out with her?

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"I Love Lucy" Actress Doris Singleton Dead At 92 !

Actress Doris Singleton, who played one of Lucy and Ricky Ricardo's lesser-known neighbors on "I Love Lucy," has passed away. She was 92.

Lucie Arnaz, daughter of Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, confirmed the death in an email to "The Associated Press" and in a post on her Facebook page. Singleton passed away Tuesday, the same day as writer-director Nora Ephron, and Arnaz acknowledged them both in her post, writing: "They were loved and appreciated and will be missed."

It has to be noted that Singleton's death also was reported by "Variety" and the "Hollywood Reporter".

Just for the record, her character, first called Lillian Appleby and then Caroline Appleby, appeared in 10 episodes. She was Lucy's neighbor, the wife of a radio station owner.

"She was sort of Lucy's nemesis" because both had young sons, Singleton stated in a 2005 interview for the "Archive of American Television of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Foundation". "There was a rivalry there but she had to be nice, Lucy had to be nice to Caroline, because her husband owned the radio station."

Born in Brooklyn, Singleton was a professional ballet dancer as a teenager and later became a singer and radio actress.

Singleton also played Margaret Williams on the 1960s sitcom "My Three Sons" and she made appearances on dozens of other TV shows in the 1950s, 60s and 70s, including another Lucille Ball program, "Here's Lucy," "Perry Mason," "All in the Family," and "Days of Our Lives."

Singleton was married to comedy writer Charlie Isaacs for 61 years before his death in 2002.

R.I.P Doris Singleton

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Katie Holmes And Tom Cruise Divorce: The Real Reason Katie Filed For Divorce

According to a source close to the couple, Katie Holmes was encouraged to file for divorce from Tom Cruise after becoming "sick" of the Tom's controlling ways. 

As it was previously said on another post, the pair announced on Friday that they are splitting after five years of marriage.

A source close to Katie Holmes claimed that as the excitement and glamour of dating one of the world's biggest Hollywood stars wore off Katie was left feeling more and more annoyed by Tom and his desire to control their affair, their daughter's upbringing and Katie's every move.

"When Katie first met Tom she was blown away by him," the source quoted as saying. "She had idolized him as a child and then here she was, with him, in person. Tom turned on the mega-watt smile and the amazing charm that he is capable of exuding and Katie was totally caught up in it all. He totally whisked her off her feet, romance, love, private jets, shopping sprees, all the razzle dazzle that goes with being an A-lister, Katie got caught up in. The next thing you know, she is pregnant and then she's getting married in this fairytale ceremony - she literally didn't have time to breath, let alone take stock of the situation."

The source continues that as time went on though, the reality of Katie's situation and what it meant to be married to a superstar really began to sink in.

"Tom has always made all the decisions in their relationship and called all the shots and initially Katie found it charming -don't forget, she was pretty young when they met and compared to Tom she was hardly worldly," the source claims. 

"Tom hated her being called Katie, and wanted her to insist on being called Kate, which she hated. He vetted all her movie roles, made all the decisions about where and when they would vacation, how Suri would be raised, when she spoke to her parents, where they went for dinner, everything! After five years of this Katie really felt like she was going crazy and that she was actually turning into the robot that the press had always made her out to be. Katie has actually got a great personality and she used to be spunky and feisty. She changed so much when she was with Tom, she became downtrodden and insipid. In the end it just got too much, she was sick of it and decided she had to do something. Basically, she grew up and lost the starstruck goggles she had been wearing"the insider told.

"Katie did not want Tom making all the decisions in Suri's life, and that's what was going on. She decided it was high time she started deciding on what was best for her daughter, or at least having an equal say, and she knew that would be impossible if she remained Mrs. Tom Cruise," the source adds.

Well, to be honest it seemed that it wouldn't last...Tom is obviously a control freak. The same happened with his previous wives...That is of course not an accident! It was apparent that Katie was oppressed by Tom and not pleased at all. She will definitely feel that this divorce is some kind of freedom!

Conclusion: Being married with Tom Cruise is Mission Impossible!

What do you think?

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Morpheus on the ObamaCare Ruling

Which color pill do I take in order to forget about all this? Can I still get the pill through my preferred insurance provider?