Friday, June 22, 2012

Formspring Question #422--Across the Universe Edition

Are you going to watch SGU after finishing with SG1 and SGA? It is no doubt a very controversial show, but IMO, it was pretty good even though it took 1 or 1 1/2 seasons for it to truly find its legs, which I think is mostly to blame for its early demise.
It is highly doubtful. The kindest thing I have heard about Stargate Universe is that it is a low rent Battlestar Galactca clone. Descriptions of the series degrade from there. You are the first to speak well of it to me, and your praise is apologetic. It took a season and a half for series that only lasted two seasons to find its groove? It does not sound like promising reviewing material.

It pays to reiterate I am only cautiously optimistic about Stargate Atlantis being reviewed immediately after Stargate SG-1. I have been reviewing the series since January and I still have forty episodes to go. The final two seasons are said to be vastly different than the first eighth. If they are a chore to get through, I am likely to move away from the franchise for Farscape or Babylon 5 and come back to Stargate Atlantis later. Of course, if I really get into the changes on Stargate SG-1, then I doubt burn out will be a problem. Whether I like Stargate Atlantis might be, but that is a whole other issue.

Just to throw in a related issue that item that is bound to come up, I have The Ark of Truthand Continuum laying here ready to be watched and reviewed when the time comes. The classification “straight to DVD” does not inspire confidence, but there are going in with the other reviews for the sake of completion.

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