Friday, June 22, 2012

Formspring Question #423--Too Animated Edition

Would you ever consider reviewing an animated series?
I would consider it, but am concerned how well it would go over. Something like Clone Wars would probably fly. Perhaps some of the Paul Dini series featuring DC Comics characters, too. There are enough comic book buffs around to probably enjoy those. Someone told me I would probably like Gargoyles since it is allegedly not your typical kid’s fare. I do not have much noststalgia for the ’80’s cartoons I grew up on. They are probably not as enthralling now as they were when I was ten, anyway.

When you say animated series, something like Futurama does not come to mind. The show is a prime time series that happens to be animated. Not much of a distinction, but there you go. I have considered Futurama as an eventual possibility. A pretty far down the road possibility.

You sound like you want to suggest an animated series, but are testing the waters first. Feel free to do with two caveats. One, I have never gotten into anime. I cannot imagine diving into any now, Two, I really, really, really do not want to bring up any more Star Trek related material. There is a small army of Enterprise fans--yes, those poor souls do exist--are lying in wait to pounce on any opportunity to promote the show for review. If I review Star Trek: The Animated Series, the ENT would be the only thing left not reviewed. I could never got the demons back in Pandora’s box.

Does anyone else have anything to say about the issue? Do not say you do not like cartoons, either. I know all of you do. Denying it just means you are probably one of those My Little Pony fanatics.

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