Sunday, July 15, 2012

Blogroll Spotlight #154

It is time for the weekly round up of favorite posts from my blogroll. These are not ranked, but in alphabetical order by blog title. If you would like a specific post listed next week, you may email it to me and I will include it.

Adrienne's Corner-Allen West sums it all up wonderfully...
American Perspective-Happy Summer from Southern California
American Power-Moshe Silman Self-Immolation Mobilizes New Protests Against Israel
Amusing Bunni's Musings-Happy Caturday!
Blog of the Nightfly-Shut up, they explained – it’s for your own good
Bride of Rove-Ok. So it’s a tax.
Camp of the Saints-Oh I Wish I Was In The Land Of Cotton…
Classic Liberal-Rule 5; Fuel
Colossus of Rhodey--Tweet of the Day
Conservative Hideout-The Black Holocaust
Da Tech Guy-The Dying Elks Club Church for Liberal Christians…
Daley Gator-Mark Steyn on that OTHER Penn State scandal
Diogenes' Middle Finger-Another Wealth Lib Dodges Their Taxes
First Street Journal-Does This Mean Barry Built An Airport For The Wright Bros. To Fly The First Plane?
Fishersville Mike-Two week commercial for Romney
Goldfish and Clowns-Some Words of Advice to Both Conservative Sides of the Kimberlin Brouhaha That Will Most Likely Be Ignored By Everyone
Gormogons-A Prediction...
House of Eratosthemes-Five Ways Liberalism Destroys Virtue
Laughing Conservative--Cartoon: Christopher Weyant
Lazy Farmer-More Stacking
Lonely Conservative-Anthony Weiner is Just Itching to Get Back Into Politics
Maggie's Notebook- Top Dem Senators Have All Told Me Obama Doesn’t Know What He’s Doing – Horrified Democrat Senate Leaders
Monkey in the Middle--Amazing Math Quiz...Reveals Your Favorite Movie
Motor City Times-Democrats: Then and Now
New Atlantean--Never Gonna Stand for This
Other McCain-Northern Virginia Tea Party Protests Barack Obama, Supports Mitt Romney In Centerville, 14 July 2012
Paco Enterprises-Sunday Funnies
Pirate's Cove-If All You See...
Proof Positive-Lunchbox Joe Biden Plagiarized Bobby Kennedy, Too (1988)
Pundit & Pundette-Obama, Term 2: Even more inspiring!
Randy's Roundtable-Thursday Nite Tart 9on Friday): Jessica Perez
Reaganite Republican-Thanks to Team Obama's Reckless 'Felon' Accusations, Tony Rezko Issue NOW IN PLAY
Riehl World View-AFP: Obama admits failure to turn Washington around
Sentry Journal-Her name is Macee
Teresamerica-Do Machiavellianism and Moral Relativism Go Hand-in-Hand?
Troglopundit-This Week in Automotivators, July 9-15
We the People-Finally Someone (other than we "small-time" blogger types) Calls It What It Is
Western Hero--Bible Stories
Woodsterman--Corvette Tail Lights For Sale
Zilla of the Resistance-Still Alive – Just Feeling Like Death Warmed Ove

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