Monday, July 16, 2012

I Side 98% with Mitt Romney on the Issues

I am a bit surprised by these results. I did not think I lined up quite so well with Mitt Romney. The cynic in me says I line up with Candidate Romney, but not so much with Massachusetts Governor Romney. Which is the real Romney? I have no clue, but since either one has to be better than Barack Obama, it is not an issue worth dwelling on. Buyer’s remorse can come after I cast my ballot.

Something strange about this quiz is how I match up with the positions of 88% of South Carolinians who have taken this test. The representative sample is unknown, but that seems oddly high considering how far to the right South Carolina voters tend to be. We are not really that in tune with Romney. We are more Gingrich speed. This draws more skepticism to the accuracy of the test results. Or how honest Romney is about how he really feels on the issues.

I do take heart at knowing I only agree 18% with Obama. Agreeing with anyone less than twenty percent of the time means the agreement is purely coincidental, basic common sense kind of stuff. Whew!

UPDATE: Mystery solved. I just looked at the URL for the first time. I got this test from a Facebook friend and did not notice the site is intended to inflate your similarities with Romney in order to encourage you to vote for him. It makes sense now. Carry on, folks.

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