Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Formspring Question # 437--Bible Thumpin' Browders Edition

To his credit, Cam offers words of wisdom from his famously devout Christian grandmother. When I met Ben he told me that the writers stole his life in this regard - his own grandma was a 'bible thumper from Tennessee'
Ben Browder graduated from Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina, with a BS in Psychology. Furman university is just down the road from Bob Jones University. Furman students have a long history of hazing the highly reclusive student BJU body. The most famous prank is painting “F” and “U” on one’s posterior and driving by the gate to moon whoever happens to be holding back Satan’s minions from the flock.
I cannot say I have ever heard Browder talk of any BJU encounters, but I have never met a Furman student who did not have at least one story to tell. Regardless of personal involvement, I am certain Browder knows all about BJU’s reputation and likely views them with the same arm’s length skepticism I do. They are not the Ori, but that is probably only because hardly anyone pays them any attention.
I took the LSAT at Furman many years ago. It was my only visit to the campus. Nice place. I have gotten the impression from meeting students the admission process consists of 1) who is your daddy and 2) where is his checkbook, but this is South Carolina. That is pretty much how anyone gets anywhere around here.

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