Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Formspring Question #438--Conventional Wisdom on Palin Edition

Should Sarah Palin be invited to speak at the RNC?
Of course. She ought to have a prime time speech as well, if for no other reason than her skill at firing up a crowd with the red meat. she is like Pat Buchanan, Newt Gingrich, and even Rudy Giuliani in some regards at her ability to still be a crowd pleaser while the same crowd would be averse to electing them to any real power for various reasons.

That said, I am not as defensive about Sarah Palin as I used to be, so if she gets snubbed, oh well. Her foot ragging over whether to jump into the 2012 race was unfair to her supporters, many of whom spent every day since the day after the 2008 election prepping for her potential run. I do not begrudge Palin for opting for media cash instead, she needs to embrace the costs of her decision in terms of grass roots support and her own credibility.

The bottom line is Palin I still like Palin, and I like to see her fire up a crowd. But if she does not get a chance to do so at the convention, so be it. She seems interested in taking the Donald Trump road to media success while hoping to maintain political credibility. Allowing Trump to speak at the convention would turn it into a farce. Palin has not degenerated to that point yet, but I cannot begrudge any of the party poobahs for nipping her in the bud before she reaches that point.

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