Friday, July 13, 2012

Formspring Question #435--Alas, Babylon Edition

You've been promising Babylon 5 for a year. Are you ever going to review it?
Babylon 5 could have already been in the can, but you guys voted for Star Trek: Voyager, so I delivered. You would have gotten Crusade, too. That is democracy in action.

Will I review Babylon 5? Lord willing and the colon does not rupture. It is going to be a while, though. I have definitely committed to Stargate Atlantis and kinda sorta committed to Farscape. I cannot imagine getting around to Babylon 5 before late spring or summer 2013 at the earliest.

I am a terribly fickle soul, too. Keep that in mind, for better or worse. There can always be a surprise or two like a short series thrown in for the sake of variety. Doubtful any would be doubled up with something else, so what i mean is push the schedule back if an unexpected series shows up.

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