Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Arizona, Michigan, and Washington Primary Predictions

Here are my predictions for the latest contests in the race for the GOP presidential nomination:

Mitt Romney
Rick Santorum
Ron Paul
Newt Gingric

The outcome in Arizona is the easiest to predict. Romney will win by ten or more points easily. In spite of Arizona’s undeserved reputation as a paradise for racist republicans, the home of Barry Goldwater loves its RINO. If John McCain had not been the GOP candidate in 2008, Barack Obama might well have won the state. Obama will most certainly not carry Arizona in November, but one suspects that is due more to his stumbles as president rather than a strong inclination towards republican candidates. .

Mitt Romney
Rick Santorem
Ron Paul
Newt Gingrich

Michigan is a tougher call, but I am going to double down on my assertion those mythical armies of evangelical voters in the western part of the state will carry Santorem to victory. They have not put any religious right favorite over the top in decades. I do not believe Romney will pull off a big victory--two or three percentage points at most--but I doubt Santorem can overcome the more moderate mood of Michigan’s urban area Republicans

Rick Santorem
Ron Paul
Mitt Romney
Newt Gingrich

Does anyone really care about Washington? If so, here is how I think the results will turn out.

Regardless of whether Sanrorem can upset Romney in Michigan, he is going to have a good enough night to make the 2012 nomination race a two man affair. Gingrich is fading off into oblivion, and I have doubts he can make a good enough showing on Super Tuesday to continue as a serious candidate. Not that he will drop out. The former Speaker will keep going until the money runs out. But his campaign will become even more obvious his campaign is an act of overblown ego.

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