Monday, February 27, 2012

Wyoming Considers a Post-American Doomsday

The Wyoming House has advanced a bill that launches a study over what Wyoming should do in the event of a total political and/or economic collapse of the United States. the mayan calender's abrupt end for later this year is purely coincidental.

I agree with Ann Althouse--not my happiest moment, but allies are often a matter of convenience--over the issue. The federal government has most certainly had a cold War doomsday plan in place in case Washington were destroyed in a nuclear strike. One would assume in this day of terrorist acts perpetrated by small groups or lone wolves that could cause all sorts of mayhem, the doomsday plan has likely been updated post-9/11. It is only prudent for states to do the same.

The depressing part is how the concept is motivated by descending cynicism. During the cold War, we were threatened by a powerful, totalitarian enemy that could hace ended life on the planet if a conflict escalated between us. Post 9/11, we have religious fanatics using planes full of civilians to crash into buildings. What kind of sick mind even concocts such a plan, and how to you fight something so random that can still cause inestimable damage and loss of life. Now--and do not kid yourself about it, Wyoming fears the overspending of our own federal government may lead to the complete collapse of the United States. Whom can you consider the enemy of the republic once you believe the enemy is the republic itself?

I believe Althouse has a further point when she says Wyoming’s doomsday task force, should it ever come to pass, should advocate establishing a new government under Founding principles as quickly as possible. Of course, in my view that would mean reversing the answer to the grammar question settled at Appomattox It is not the United States is. It is the United States are.

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