Saturday, February 25, 2012

Formspring Question #371--Deep Spaced Edition

Do you regret Deep Space Nine is not as popular as the other Star Trek series?
Yes and no.

Yes in the sense DS9 was a quality show that should have gotten more attention. Star Trek has gone nowhere but down since the show went off the air in 1999. Yes, that includes J. J. Abrams’ 2009 film. I finally got around to seeing it and cannot for the life of me figure out what Trekkies see in it. Maybe the praise for it is similar to north Koreans morning for Dear Leader --make enough noise and maybe the powers that be will be merciful enough to give you something better next time.

No in the sense that I appreciate Trekkies are more inclined to circle DS9 cautiously while occasionally piking it with a stick rather than outright attacking it for blasphemy. It is the most un-trek of any of the series, which is why I like it the best. (Contrary to the lingering belief, I am not that big a Star Trek fan.) Deep Space Nine spent seven years proving Gene Roddenberry’s naïve vision of the future could not stand up to the reality of human nature. One wonders how trekkis have contained themselves over the revelation.

Gone was the arrogant finger waving in the faces of aliens who refused to accept the gospel of secular humanism preached by the perfect federation. Instead, the federation is willing to let covert ops commit genocide in order to save its own hide. Oh, wait--the federation did not save its own hide. It was the changeling Odo, Bajoran Kira, and Cardassians Garak and Damar, none of whom even like the Federation because it is pretentious and hypocritical. Well, there you go.

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