Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Stargate SG-1--"Line in the Sand"

“Line in the Sand’ is another winner of an episode in spite of some glaring flaws. I am most struck personally by the repudiation of Origin as the anti-Christian allegory it has been advertised--at least to me--to be. In fact, I have actually come to appreciate the message the powers that be are conveying with it.
The SG-1 team, sans Daniel, returns from a successful test run of Arthur’s Mantle to discover they need to put the device in action ahead of schedule. A Prior has visited a planet once ruled by the Goa’uld and given them two days to convert or else. The SG-1 team arrives ahead of the deadline to hide the village via Arthur’s Mantle by keeping it out of phase with its surroundings. The device to work for a time, but a power surge causes the village to reappear just as the Ori forces invade.
There is an impressive firefight between the villagers and Vala before the place is overrun. Sam suffers a staff weapon blow to the abdomen. In terrible pain, she is still able to direct cam to hook up Arthur’s Mantle enough to hide the building they are in. Tomin, who is in command of the army, takes Vala up to their ship in order to convert her to Origin. The rest of the episode becomes a race for cam to keep Sam alive long enough the Ori.
“Line in the Sand” presents the Ori as a combination of Islam and some of the twisted sects of Christianity like the Westboro Baptist Church. It is much like Islam with its Origin or destruction philosophy similar to the Koran or sword method of mass conversions said to historically be a miracle of enlightenment by Muslims, though reality is a wee bit different. The twisted Christian sects allegory is a bit more subtle. Tomin, for instance, is a good guy who genuinely believes Origin is a properly moral religion. There have been hints before the Book of Origin is a decent book of morals. It has only been perverted by religious leaders. For instance, Daniel attempted to sway the initial Ori invasion force by quoting a verse forbidding violence against your neighbor. In “Line in the Sand,” Tomin begins to separate the Book of Origin from the Prior’s false interpretation when he realizes the Prior is quoting verses about forgiving from straying from the path, but justifies destroying the village instead. So what we have is not quite the Bible is evil mantra that has been kinda sort hinted at before.
Just to reinforce the point, Sam is certain she has been mortally wounded. She begins to discuss with cam her beliefs about God. She has spent most of her adult life immersed in science, but now wonders not only if there if god exists, but will He find her worthy. It is a outside looking in view of Christianity that a belief in God is enough to enter heaven--even Satan believes God exists, folks--but I appreciate the effort. To his credit, Cam offers words of wisdom from his famously devout Christian grandmother. The notion that Christianity is not inherently evil, nor is it only for the ignorant, is at least entertained.
A past episode showed “RC” on Sam’s dog tag, which means she is officially Catholic. Jack’s says “RC” as well, but it is clear he believes the Bible to be myths and outright lies. I have always assumed Sam to be an agnostic. She seems like the true type who needs proof, but would be willing to accept god exists if cogent proof is offered. Daniel is probably an atheist, but one who tolerates religious belief as the biggest influence on cultural development. One assumes he has no objection to Christianity’s mark on the western world. Teal’c has spoken of the Christian god’s benevolence. It appears then that Jack is the only hostile main character, and he is an equal opportunity scoffer, so no big deal there.
All right. That was a weird tangent, but quite relevant considering the main theme of Stargate SG-1 is who or what is worthy of worship. Well, that and the United states military liberates people from tyranny on this planet and any other. You do not see that said much in popular entertainment these days.
I like “Line in the Sand,” but there are a couple issues. One, lines about daniel’s abduction were cut for time, so his ansence is barely noted. It is not a huge issues, since I do not expect the rest of the team to sit around moping about it, but it is still odd to gloss over it that much. Two, sam’s wound is presented terrible unrealistically. She gets shot by a laser in the left side of her lower abdomen. There is a exit wound through the small of her back. Since the beam forcibly tore through her like a projectile, she should have lost half her colon upon entry and her left kidney upon exit. As one who has lost half his colon due to a diverticulitis rupture that required such immediate surgery, I was in the operating room before anyone told me what was about to be operated on. Sam should have died instantly. Instead, she not only survives with colon and kidney intact, she is sampling a gift of macaroons presumably only days after returning to SGC. That is a Hollywood injury to a main character for you. It is sweet, though, how much Cam and sam are bonding emotionally.
In spite of sam’s miracle, I give “Line in the Sand’ high marks. It is an all around good episode. There is a lot of action. The philosophical discussion is stimulating. There is even a cool by the seat of your pants ending in which it appears the village has been destroyed, but sam got Arthur’s Mantle working in time. You knew she would, but…woo hoo for the good guys!
Rating; *** (out of 5)

Mariah Carey American Idol: Carey Got $17 Million !

An individual close to the negotiations told "TheWrap" that Mariah Carey has been paid the huge sum of $17 million to be a judge on "American Idol", the same amount Jennifer Lopez sought to stay on another year !

The insider revealed that the $17 million made her the highest-paid judge on a television singing competition, a claim that could not immediately be confirmed.

It appears that Mariah accomplished a great deal with FOX...
Do you think that Carey deserves the queenly sum of  $17 million to appear on the "American Idol" judges panel ?

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Sharon Osbourne Leaves "America's Got Talent"

Sharon Osbourne claimed she’s leaving "America’s Got Talent."

To be more exact, Osbourne seemed to announce her departure on Tuesday, writing on Twitter: "My darling @HowardStern, money is not the reason I’m not returning to @nbcagt, it’s because…"

But Osbourne has not continued the thought or explained the reason for her exit.

It has to be noted though that NBC would not comment and a rep for Osbourne has yet to confirm a definite departure - or time frame.

It has to be mentioned that Osbourne, who also co-hosts "The Talk", has been on the "America’s Got Talent" judges' panel since the show's second season in 2007, when she joined Piers Morgan and David Hasselhoff on the panel.

Howie Mandel and Howard Stern are her current co-judges.

What do you think?
Will Sharon Osbourne leave "America's Got Talent" or not? 

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Sherman Hemsley, "The Jeffersons" Star, Dies At 74 !

Sherman Hemsley has died.  

Hemsley, best known for his role as George Jefferson in the hit series "The Jeffersons", passed away on Tuesday in El Paso.

It has to be noted that Hemsley first played Jefferson in "All in the Family" before his character got its own spinoff. He later starred in the series "Amen".

The cause of death is unknown.

Hemsley was 74.

R.I.P Sherman Hemsley

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Ice-T On Gun Control In America

Ice-T has spoken out publicly about America's issues with gun control.

In wake of the horrible "Dark Knight Rises" massacre in Colorado, Ice-T was asked about his personal views on gun safety in America.

"If somebody wants to kill people, they don’t need a gun to do it," Ice-T claimed. "You can strap explosives on your body. They do that all the time."

He also quoted rapper KRS-One's infamous song "Sound of Da Police." "Like KRS said, you're never going to have justice on stolen land," Ice added. The rapper stated that weapons are necessary to protect oneself from police. He also revealed that he'd be glad to turn in his weapon after everyone else. 

The tragic events in Colorado could have never been prevented. Nobody could have ever imagined this disaster...Ice-T made a statement that is very true. Guns don’t kill people, but people kill people. It does not matter if there is a gun ban or not. If someone wants to kill someone, they will find a way. Guns are a way of defending yourself from people that intend to cause harm to you, your family, or your property. What do you think? Do you agree or disagree with Ice-T on gun control in America?

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Christian Bale, "The Dark Knight Rises" Star, Visits Aurora, Colorado, Shooting Victims

Christian Bale, who stars in "The Dark Knight Rises", has visited the victims of the Aurora, Colorado, shooting spree who were injured while watching a midnight showing of the movie.

According to a local "Denver TV" reporter, Bale was seen entering the hospital where many of the wounded are being treated.

One of them, Carey Rottman, posted a Facebook photo of himself with Bale at his bedside.

"Mr. Bale is there as himself, not representing Warner Brothers," an assistant for Susan Fleishman, executive vice president for Warner Brothers corporate communications, told the "Denver Post".

Bale, who was in Europe with the rest of the cast to promote the film when news of the killings broke last week, released a statement Friday offering his condolences to the victims and their families.

"Words cannot express the horror that I feel," he claimed on Friday. "I cannot begin to truly understand the pain and grief of the victims and their loved ones, but my heart goes out to them."

Just in the rare case you missed it, twelve people were killed including a 6-year-old girl and more than 50 were wounded when a gunman opened fire on the audience. James Holmes, the suspected shooter, was in court Monday in Centennial, Colorado. He has been held in solitary confinement without bond.

Photo credit: Carey Rottman

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Kristen Stewart Reportedly Cheated On Robert Pattinson !

Kristen Stewart allegedly cheated on longtime boyfriend Robert Pattinson.

According to Us Weekly’s new issue, the cover of which leaked online Tuesday afternoon, Pattinson made a "heartbreaking discovery" when he found out Stewart allegedly had a "steamy affair" with her "Snow White" and the "Huntsman" director Rupert Sanders.

It has to be noted that a small photo featured on the cover seemingly shows Sanders, who is married with children, wrapping his arms around Stewart in an embrace.

Us further claims the two were photographed making out on Tuesday, July 17.

People magazine is reporting Stewart is "devastated" by her actions, with a source describing the incident as a "mistake and a complete lapse in judgement".

It seems that something happened between Stewart and Sanders judging by the reports from People and Us Weekly, although a source close to Kristen revealed "It’s not a relationship". "She wasn't having an affair with Rupert. It was just a fleeting moment that shouldn't have happened," adds the source. "She never meant to hurt anyone. She's a good person who just made a bad choice."

It has to be mentioned that Stewart and Pattinson were seen out happily together just last Thursday when they held hands exiting a Los Angeles hotspot.

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Cybill Shepherd Is Engaged !

Cybill Shepherd is engaged!

Shepherd is set to wed Serbian psychologist and former jeweler Andrei Nikolajevic.

Nikolajevic, who was introduced to Shepherd through friends, recently proposed in New York.

"It was very romantic and on one knee", Shepherd told the New York Daily News.

It has to be noted that Shepherd, who has wed twice before, added: "I never thought I’d get married again".

No wedding plans have been announced yet.

Congratulations to the happy couple!

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Formspring Question #436--Thine Own Self Edition

Who are you?

Formspring Question # 437--Bible Thumpin' Browders Edition

To his credit, Cam offers words of wisdom from his famously devout Christian grandmother. When I met Ben he told me that the writers stole his life in this regard - his own grandma was a 'bible thumper from Tennessee'
Ben Browder graduated from Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina, with a BS in Psychology. Furman university is just down the road from Bob Jones University. Furman students have a long history of hazing the highly reclusive student BJU body. The most famous prank is painting “F” and “U” on one’s posterior and driving by the gate to moon whoever happens to be holding back Satan’s minions from the flock.
I cannot say I have ever heard Browder talk of any BJU encounters, but I have never met a Furman student who did not have at least one story to tell. Regardless of personal involvement, I am certain Browder knows all about BJU’s reputation and likely views them with the same arm’s length skepticism I do. They are not the Ori, but that is probably only because hardly anyone pays them any attention.
I took the LSAT at Furman many years ago. It was my only visit to the campus. Nice place. I have gotten the impression from meeting students the admission process consists of 1) who is your daddy and 2) where is his checkbook, but this is South Carolina. That is pretty much how anyone gets anywhere around here.

Formspring Question #438--Conventional Wisdom on Palin Edition

Should Sarah Palin be invited to speak at the RNC?
Of course. She ought to have a prime time speech as well, if for no other reason than her skill at firing up a crowd with the red meat. she is like Pat Buchanan, Newt Gingrich, and even Rudy Giuliani in some regards at her ability to still be a crowd pleaser while the same crowd would be averse to electing them to any real power for various reasons.

That said, I am not as defensive about Sarah Palin as I used to be, so if she gets snubbed, oh well. Her foot ragging over whether to jump into the 2012 race was unfair to her supporters, many of whom spent every day since the day after the 2008 election prepping for her potential run. I do not begrudge Palin for opting for media cash instead, she needs to embrace the costs of her decision in terms of grass roots support and her own credibility.

The bottom line is Palin I still like Palin, and I like to see her fire up a crowd. But if she does not get a chance to do so at the convention, so be it. She seems interested in taking the Donald Trump road to media success while hoping to maintain political credibility. Allowing Trump to speak at the convention would turn it into a farce. Palin has not degenerated to that point yet, but I cannot begrudge any of the party poobahs for nipping her in the bud before she reaches that point.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Mariska Hargitay

Mariska Hargitay was the second most popular celebrity behind Katy Perry, so she earns a return spot as USA Network runs its usual Law & Order: SVU marathon all day.

Adam Baldwin will make a three episode appearance at the beginning of the series fourteenth season in the fall. The Law & Order series has earned the ire of conservatives in the past for progressive leanings and alleged moral ambiguity. Can a Hollywood Christian conservative prompt new, conservative viewers? i will be curious to see if there is an uptick for the first three episodes, then a drop off after Baldwin departs.

Fans are incensed Hargitay did not get an Emmy nod this year. The series is in transition after the departure of Christopher Meloni. It floundered about quite a bit this season without him because her character has not taken to her new partner at all. I do not blame the Emmy nominating crowd for passing her over this time around. The powers that be are considering bringing Meloni back for an episode this season, so they know losing him has been a problem.

Mariah Carey On "American Idol" Judging Panel Season 12

Mariah Carey has officially joined "American Idol"!

Following weeks of speculation, Fox's entertainment president Kevin Reilly made the announcement at the Fox executive session panel at the Television Critic's Association Summer Press Tour.

"I'm so excited to be joining "Idol". I wanted to be there today and I wish I could've been there myself to tell you," Carey told the audience via phone after Reilly called her and put her on speaker. "It happened really quickly. I can't wait to get started in a couple months. Everybody have a great TCA and I will see you in January."

It has to be noted that Reilly would not confirm any other rumors, including whether or not Randy Jackson will join the "American Idol" judges panel.

"We finished the show at the top again- Phil Phillips went to gold faster than any other "Idol" in the history of the show - but our ratings were down," Reilly quoted as saying. "Not being the only game in town now we needed to keep things fresh. We had a dialogue with everyone on the bench. We have the biggest names in the business interested in doing the job. It’s going to be a matter of finding the right chemistry and making a deal. Randy has been working with Mariah for a long, long time. Randy was instrumental in doing this deal."

Shortly after the announcement to the audience, Fox issued a statement confirming Carey's "Idol" involvement.

"As a singer, songwriter and producer, it’s going to be fun and rewarding to help find new talent and give back with "American Idol"," Carey claimed. "I'm currently in the studio working on my new album and its first single: "Triumphant", which will be out early next month. I can’t wait to channel my creative energy as a part of this show which is a massive global phenomenon."

"American Idol" Season 12 will undeniably look different when it returns in January 2013 given the fact that Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler are both leaving the show after two seasons. Veteran judge Jackson's involvement with the series is also in question with rumors indicating he'll move to a mentor role.

The question now is: "How long will Carey stay on the series?" Details weren't revealed, but "Idol" executive producer Nigel Lythgoe told audiences at the TCA Summer Press Tour that he can see having a new judging panel every year of the series.

"We are proud to have one of the world's greatest-ever female singers join our show," Simon Fuller, creator and executive producer of '"Idol", said in a statement. "Mariah defines the word "Idol" and will inspire every singer that has the honor of performing in front of her."

What do you think of Mariah Carey as an "American Idol" judge? Are you excited?

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Tam O’Shaughnessy Bio: Sally Ride's Same-Sex Relationship And Partner For 27 Years

Dr. Tam O’Shaughnessy has developed an interest in science since she was a little girl. It has to be noted that one of her favorite childhood memories is of watching tadpoles in a creek gradually sprout legs, go green, and turn into frogs.

Tam studied biology in college, earning B.S. and M.S. degrees. While teaching college biology, she became interested in how kids learn and went on to earn her Ph.D. in school psychology from the University of California, Riverside. A former science teacher and award-winning children's science writer, Dr. O'Shaughnessy has extensive experience cultivating girls' and boys' interests in reading, math, and science. 

Tam finds her work with Sally Ride Science irresistible, keeping girls and boys interested in science through innovative science publications and programs. Tam is currently Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice President for Sally Ride Science as well as Professor (Emeritus) at San Diego State University. 

As the Executive Vice President for Content, Dr. O'Shaughnessy is responsible for all publications and professional development at Sally Ride Science. She oversees the development of Sally Ride Science's classroom books, teacher guides, and educator institutes. In addition, Dr. O'Shaughnessy is the author of 9 science books for children, including "Our Changing Climate: Ecosystems" and "The Third Planet" (co-authored with Sally Ride), which won the American Institute of Physics Children's Science Writing Award.

It has to be noted that from 1985 until her death, Ride's female partner was Dr. Tam E. O'Shaughnessy, a childhood friend who met Ride when both youngsters were aspiring tennis players. The report that Ride was in a lesbian relationship with her partner of 27 years, Tam O'Shaugnessy was made by both Ride's sister and by a spokesperson for Sally Ride Science after her death. The sister stated that Ride preferred to keep this information private during her life.

Sally Ride was described as "very private".

Tam E. O'Shaughnessy is a great contribution to society as Sally Ride was...

R.I.P Sally Ride

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Sally Ride Biography

Sally Kristen Ride (born on May 26, 1951 and passed away on July 23, 2012) was an American physicist and a former NASA astronaut. To be more exact, Ride joined NASA in 1978, and in 1983 became the first American woman, and the first lesbian, to enter space. On her first mission at age 32 she was the youngest American to enter space. In 1987 she left NASA to work at Stanford University's Center for International Security and Arms Control.

Sally Ride was the elder child of Carol Joyce and Dale Burdell Ride. Sally was born in Encino, part of Los Angeles, California. Of Norwegian ancestry, she had one sibling, Karen "Bear" Ride, who is a Presbyterian minister. Ride attended Portola Middle School and Westlake School for Girls in Los Angeles (now Harvard-Westlake School) on a scholarship. In addition to being interested in science, she was a nationally ranked tennis player. Ride attended Swarthmore College for three semesters, took physics courses at UCLA, and then entered Stanford University as a junior, graduating with a bachelor's degree in English and physics. Also at Stanford, she earned a master's degree and a Ph.D. in physics, while doing research in astrophysics and free electron laser physics.

It has to be noted that Sally Ride was one of 8,000 people to answer an advertisement in a newspaper seeking applicants for the space program. As a result, she joined NASA in 1978. Prior to her first space flight, Ride was subject to media attention even being asked during a press conference "Do you weep when things go wrong on the job?"

During her career, Ride served as the ground-based Capsule Communicator (CapCom) for the second and third Space Shuttle flights (STS-2 and STS-3) and helped develop the Space Shuttle's robot arm. On June 18, 1983, she became the first American woman in space as a crew member on Space Shuttle Challenger for STS-7. (She was preceded by two Soviet women, Valentina Tereshkova in 1963 and Svetlana Savitskaya in 1982.) On STS-7, during which the five-person crew deployed two communications satellites and conducted pharmaceutical experiments, Ride was the first woman to use the robot arm in space and the first to use the arm to retrieve a satellite.

Her second space flight was in 1984, also on board the Challenger. She spent a total of more than 343 hours in space.

Ride, who had completed eight months of training for her third flight when the Space Shuttle Challenger accident occurred, was named to the presidential commission investigating the accident and headed its subcommittee on operations. Following the investigation, Ride was assigned to NASA headquarters in Washington, DC, where she led NASA's first strategic planning effort, authored a report entitled "Leadership and America's Future in Space", and founded NASA's Office of Exploration.

In 1987, Ride left her position in Washington, DC, to work at the Stanford University Center for International Security and Arms Control. In 1989, she became a professor of physics at the University of California, San Diego and Director of the California Space Institute. In 2003, she was asked to serve on the Space Shuttle Columbia Accident Investigation Board. She was the president and CEO of Sally Ride Science, a company she founded in 2001 that creates entertaining science programs and publications for upper elementary and middle school students, with a particular focus on girls.

According to Roger Boisjoly, the engineer who warned of the technical problems that led to the Space Shuttle Challenger accident, Sally Ride was the only public figure to show support for him when he went public with his pre-disaster warnings (after the entire workforce of Morton-Thiokol shunned him). Sally Ride hugged him publicly to show her support for his efforts.

Ride wrote or co-wrote five books on space aimed at children, with the goal of encouraging children to study science.

Ride endorsed Barack Obama for president in 2008.

Ride was a member of the Review of United States Human Space Flight Plans Committee, an independent review requested by the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) on May 7, 2009.

Ride got married with fellow NASA astronaut Steve Hawley in 1982 and they divorced in 1987.

From 1985 until her death, Ride's female partner was Dr. Tam E. O'Shaughnessy, a childhood friend who met Ride when both youngsters were aspiring tennis players. O'Shaughnessy became a science teacher and writer and, later, the chief operating officer and executive vice president of Ride's company, Sally Ride Science. She also co-authored several books with Ride. The report that Ride was in a lesbian relationship with O'Shaugnessy was made by both Ride's sister and by a spokesperson for Sally Ride Science after her death. The sister stated that Ride preferred to keep this information private during her life.

Ride passed away on July 23, 2012, after a 17-month battle with pancreatic cancer. Ride was described as "very private". Her same-sex relationship with her partner of 27 years, Tam O'Shaughnessy, was revealed in Ride's obituary released by Sally Ride Science and confirmed by Ride's sister, as well as a Sally Ride Science spokesperson.

Ride received numerous awards, including the National Space Society's von Braun Award, the Lindbergh Eagle, and the NCAA's Theodore Roosevelt Award. She was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame and the Astronaut Hall of Fame and was awarded the NASA Space Flight Medal twice. Ride was the only person to serve on both of the panels investigating Shuttle accidents (those for the Challenger accident and the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster). Two elementary schools in the United States are named after her: Sally K. Ride Elementary School in The Woodlands, Texas, and Sally K. Ride Elementary School in Germantown, Maryland.

On December 6, 2006, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and First Lady Maria Shriver inducted Ride into the California Hall of Fame, located at the California Museum for History, Women, and the Arts.

Source: Wikipedia

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Obama: "Sally Ride Was A National Hero And Powerful Role Model"

President Barack Obama mourned the death of NASA astronaut Sally Ride, the first American woman in space, calling her "a national hero and powerful role model" - especially for young girls. President Obama has issued the following statement on Ride’s death:

"Michelle and I were deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Sally Ride. As the first American woman to travel into space, Sally was a national hero and a powerful role model. She inspired generations of young girls to reach for the stars and later fought tirelessly to help them get there by advocating for a greater focus on science and math in our schools. Sally’s life showed us that there are no limits to what we can achieve and I have no doubt that her legacy will endure for years to come. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Sally’s family and friends."

The loss of Ride at such a young age is undoubtedly a shame and her presence will certainly be missed. Hopefully other women in science and technology will be inspired to follow in Sally Ride's footsteps.

R.I.P Sally Ride

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Sally Ride, First American Woman NASA Astronaut, Dies at 61 !

Sally Kristen Ride, Ph.D., an astronaut and physicist who in 1983 at the age of 32 became the first American woman (and at that time, the youngest person ever) to enter space, passed away today at age 61. According to a statement on her official website, the cause of death was pancreatic cancer, a disease which she had battled for the past 17 months.

It has to be mentioned that Sally Ride accomplished a great deal in her relatively short life. Born on May 26, 1951 in Los Angeles, Ride has credited her parents with encouraging her interest in science from an early age - according to her official bio, Sally "grew up playing with a chemistry set and a telescope." She attended LA’s private Westlake School for Girls on a tennis scholarship, and went on to earn four degrees from Stanford by the time she was 27: A bachelor of arts in English, a bachelor of science in physics, a master’s in physics, and a doctorate in physics.

While finishing up her Ph.D., Ride saw an ad in the Stanford student newspaper saying that NASA was looking for astronauts. According to Ride’s website, it was an interesting time for NASA - the program was changing from a mostly military focus to one that prioritized pure science and math:

"Up until then, astronauts had been military test pilots - and they all had been male. But now NASA was looking for scientists and engineers, and was allowing women to apply."

According to NASA more than 8,000 men and women applied to the space program that year. 35 people were accepted, six of whom were women- and one of them was Sally Ride!

After serving as a ground-based communicator on the second and third Space Shuttle flights in the early 1980s (which is what she’s doing in the feature photo on this story) Ride herself went to space twice: Mission STS-7 aboard the shuttle Challenger, which lifted off from Kennedy Space Center on June 18, 1983, and the STS 41-G, which launched from Kennedy Space Center on October 5, 1984. In all, Ride spent more than 343 hours in space.

After retiring from NASA in 1987, Ride dedicated a great deal of time to encouraging children, especially girls, to pursue science and technology. In 2001, she founded Sally Ride Science, which is aimed at making entertaining science programs and publications for upper elementary and middle school students.

Sally Ride was an inspiration! Such a huge loss...

R.I.P Sally Ride

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Minka Kelly Sex Tape

According to reports, Minka Kelly is the latest in a long line of actresses to star in a sex tape that is now being peddled to the highest bidder but it could be complicated because it's highly possible Minka was underage when it was shot!

To be more exact, the sex tape, which is 30-minutes long, was shot in New Mexico and features Minka with an ex-boyfriend. 

The tape is shot in a semi-professional manner. The camera is secured by a tripod and hooked up to a TV monitor, so both Minka and her boyfriend can watch the action they create. So, Minka is very aware of the camera.

It's unclear how old Minka was when the tape was shot. Two songs from Brandy's second album: "Never Say Never," are playing in the background. The album was released on June 8, 1998, 16 days before Minka's 18th birthday. Although one source questioned whether the song was added after the fact to make it seem she was over 18, that's not
possible, because Minka is singing and dancing to the songs in the video. 

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Monday, July 23, 2012

The Dangers of Working at Home

The dangers of working at home--assuming you want to call this a danger. I would be willing to take the risk myself.

Stargate SG-1--"The Quest, Part II"

“The Quest, Part II” is the introduction to the latter half of the tenth and final season. Man, was I wrong to be skeptical of the cliffhanger resolution. I was braced for a cop out, but the confrontation between the dragon and our heroes is one of the best parts of the episode in every respect--special effects, action, and humor. The conquest of the dragon is only the beginning….

Our heroes are saved by Adria’s personal shield and escape to the outside, but they are followed by the dragon. The CGI on the dragon is impressive for a cable show, and it is all the more impressive by the personality it demonstrates such as when it swallows the C4 Teal’c throws into it mouth and gives the poor dragon a serious case of heartburn. I dig it. The dragon finally fades away when daniel figures out saying the name of its master, Morgan Le Fay, will do the trick.

When attempting to snatch the jewel believed to be the Sangraal again, all but Adria are transported to another planet where merlin is trapped in stasis. Reawakened, he uses one of those Ancient headsets to download the knowledge to build Sangraal, but it proves too much for him. Daniel, enjoying some Merlin modifications that will hopefully keep downloading the necessary knowledge from being fatal, uses the headset himself.

Meanwhile, the others figure out Morgan Le Fay set up a security system that transports Merlin’s lab along with everyone and everything in it through to another planet every few hours on a system of stargates not connected to the grid. Sam and Ba’al work to undo the modifications while Adria slowly but surely catches up with them. She finally does as our heroes figure a way to get the stargate working, but Adria kidnaps Daniel before he can build the Sangraal. Adria has big plans for him.

‘The Quest, Part II” is an exciting and humorous episode. The special effects jump out at me immediately. It is not just the dragon, although it is the best example, but Merlin’s lab, the various planets to which our heroes are transported, and the final conflict between them and the ori forces are all extremely impressive. Some subsequent episode is going to be done with shadow puppets to manage the budget, I can almost guarantee.

I also appreciate a couple of the personal moments. The episode features the famous sam punches Ba’al scene which comes across every bit as hilarious as I had been promised. The second bit is Vala’s reaction to Daniel putting himself at risk. First, she does not want him to download the ancient knowledge because she knows what happened to Jack. Second, she is distraught over his capture by Adria. Vala’s growth from a completely selfish, amoral person to one of empathy is going along nicely.

“The Quest, Part II” is a fantastic start to the end of the series. It is my favorite tenth season episode thus far. It is the most complete package we have been given this season, and the special effects and sets help put it over the top. It is a bit cliché for Daniel to be kidnapped/missing/presumed dead yet again, but that is Stargate SG-1 for you.

Rating: **** (out of 5)

Mandy Moore

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Blogroll Spotlight #155

It is time for the weekly round up of favorite posts from my blogroll. These are not ranked, but in alphabetical order by blog title. If you would like a specific post listed next week, you may email it to me and I will include it.

Adrienne's Corner-Aurora...
American Perspective-Happy Summer from Southern California
American Power-Politicizing the Colorado Shootings
Amusing Bunni's Musings-Something to Think About, AJ on Theatre Massacre
Blog of the Nightfly-Shut Up, They Said. It's for Your Own Good.
Born Again Americans--It's Really Not that Difficult
Camp of the Saints-Rule 5 Saturday; Carrie Stevens
Classic Liberal-Socialized Healthcare with Gianne Albertoni
Colossus of Rhodey--A Lot on His Plate
Conservative Hideout-Sarurday Links
Da Tech Guy-A Slightly Distasteful Post on a Delicate Subject
Daley Gator-What is Cool on the Net Today?
Diogenes' Middle Finger-It Must Be Tough Being Obama These Days....
First Street Journal-Resistance is futile; you must comply
Fishersville Mike-Chick-Fil-A: The Same Yesterday, Today and Forever
Goldfish and Clowns-My Cunning Plan to Calm the Interwebs
Gormogons-A Little Office Anthropology
House of Eratosthemes-Everything I Need to Know I Learned From Batman
Laughing Conservative--True Heroes
Lazy Farmer-The Biggest 60 Acre Field of My Life
Lonely Conservative-What Does the EPA Have Against Alaska?
Maggie's Notebook-Congressional Reform Act of 2012
Monkey in the Middle--American Dhimmi
Motor City Times-One Man Carries Out Evil Act Using a Gun; Liberals Immediately Call for Stricter Gun Control
New Atlantean--Wednesday Wenches
Other McCain-Obama Campaign: Money for Nothing
Paco Enterprises-Sunday Funnies
Pirate's Cove-If All You See...
Proof Positive-Quote du Jour
Pundit & Pundette-What Obama Has Built
Randy's Roundtable-Thursday Nite Tart: Rachel Reynolds
Reaganite Republican-Reaganite's Sunday Funnies
Riehl World View-Obama bailing on Elizabeth Warren?
Sentry Journal-Thank You For Building That — by Patrick Kelly
Teresamerica-2012 Buchet List for America
Troglopundit-The Parable of the Misguided Tea Partier
We the People-VOD: Fast and Furious Edition
Western Hero--Integrity is Destiny
Woodsterman--Thank You, Oh Great One
Zilla of the Resistance-Oh, Those Compassionate Leftists!

Anne Hathaway On Haircut: "I Was Inconsolable"

Some of Anne Hathaway's fans were shocked when she chopped off her long chestnut hair into a severe, boyish haircut for the role of Fantine, the dying prostitute in the big-screen adaptation of Broadway musical "Les Miserables." It seems that Hathaway was pretty distraught herself as well!

Fessing up to the trauma on Thursday's "Live! With Kelly," Hathaway, 29,  states: "I wasn't expecting it to be a big deal. It was my idea to do it, since it was something the character did ... (But then) I realized I couldn’t take it back."

Hathaway broke down into hysterics at the time, she claimed. "(I was) a mental patient level of crying ... I was inconsolable."

The drastic cut was more difficult than "doing back flips out of windows and jumping off buildings," reveals Hathaway, who performed such stunts in "The Dark Knight Rises", out this month.

It has to be noted that Hathaway presumably will grow out her hair again when she walks down the aisle. She and fiance Adam Shulman, also an actor, are set to wed in October 2013.


Photo credit: Ray Tamarra/FilmMagic

Feel free to comment and share this blog post if you find it interesting!

Stargate SG-1--"The Quest, Part I"

“The Quest, Part I” sets up the midseason cliffhanger. Only ten episodes remain, folks. We are nearing the end of our own quest here. There are a couple unique points about this episode. One, it is good on its own merit and not just set up for the resolution. Two, the plot is a fantasy quest not unlike role playing games or those mountains of dime a dozen paperback novels clogging up the science fiction section of any given bookstore. Not to sound negative about the episode. It is actually quite amusing to stretch Stargate SG-1’s boundaries with the fantasy quest motif.

Daniel is frustrated the search on the planets he learned from his trip to Atlantis are a dead end until Vala has a sudden flash of inspiration. Her middle of the night epiphany leads the SG-1 team to a medieval planet that is actually the barely disguised Camelot village. The villagers inform them many have come seeking the Sangraal over the years, including a recent intrepid soul who sounds a lot like Ba’al. Osric, the local librarian, is not keen on helping them. But after the ori invade, he appears to change his mind and comes to them offering himself as a guide.

The ensuing quest involves five obstacles that test a virtue written on the Parchment of Virtues. Our heroes use Prudence to get through a time dilation maze, Charity in giving up objects of value to escape a prison, Kindness in helping a child escape a prison cell, Wisdom in solving several riddles, and faith by walking through a wall of fire under the assumption they will not be consumed by the flames. They reach the sangraal, but it turns out to be a hologram protected by a very real dragon. To be continued.

My experience with fantasy is mercifully limited, but I can appreciate the recreation of the motif here. Dare I say how much has it origins in mythology? I like Ba’al enough to excuse the fact he is thrown in here for the purpose of tying in his storyline. It is convenient he just happens to be on the quest at the same time as the SG-1 team considering they are being manipulated by Adria, who implanted the epiphany in Vala and is now posing as Osric, because Morgan Le Fay has it set up where she cannot use her powers during the quest. What happened to Ba’al’s Jaffa? We never find out. The reveal of osric’s true identity is a surprise even though Morena Baccarin is listed in the opening credits, so there is a bonus.

As far as midseason cliffhangers go, “The Quest, Part I” is near the top. Consider that high praise, because dragons, medieval quests, and magic does not usually float my boat. Maybe I am enough of an Indiana Jones fan, at least other than the final film in the series, to go for it. The prospect of battling a dragon is a cool cliffhanger, though the skeptic in me suspects all is not as it seems. There will be a cop out of some description.

Rating: *** (out of 5)