Sunday, July 1, 2012

Blogroll Spotlight #152

It is time for the weekly round up of favorite posts from my blogroll. These are not ranked, but in alphabetical order by blog title. If you would like a specific post listed next week, you may email it to me and I will include it.

Adrienne's Corner-ObamaCare Explained
American Perspective-O'CareTax Is Invalid, All Tax Bills Must Originate In the House
American Power-ZOMG! Obama Chief of Staff Jack Lew Ripped to Shreds Over ObamaCare Tax on FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace
Amusing Bunni's Musings-It's not too early to Start Celebrating!
Blog of the Nightfly-Shut up, they explained – it’s for your own good
Bride of Rove-Ok. So it’s a tax.
Camp of the Saints-Rule 5 Saturday: Gio Ott
Classic Liberal-Soviet Health Care with Emanuela de Paula
Colossus of Rhodey--Expect to see more of this
Da Tech Guy-Justice Roberts Old Yellowstain it is
Daley Gator-In which I fully agree with Smitty
Diogenes' Middle Finger-He Who Controls the Present
Fishersville Mike-Thoughts for jobless college grads
Goldfish and Clowns-Offend One And You Offend Them All
Gormogons-On the Road Again
House of Eratosthemes-Healthcare Explained
Laughing Conservative--Barack Obama's Diary
Lazy Farmer-Sunday afternoon plans and ideas and music playlist
Legal Insurrection-A real Elizabeth Warren moment (this time on single-payer)
Lonely Conservative-A Favor to Ask Regarding Comments – Updated and Bumped
Maggie's Notebook-ATF Directors “Acting” Since 2006: Democrats Want Anti-Gun Nominees
Motor City Times-Sunday Afternoon Links: The Battle Above the Clouds Edition
Mew Atlantean--Now That I’ve Had Some Time to Calm Down
Other McCain-Updated Doom Tick Turns You Into Vegan, Apple Zealot
Paco Enterprises-when Life Hands You Lemons
Pirate's Cove-Sea Rise Differences Mightpossiblymaybesorta Caused By AGW Changes To Circulatory Patterns
Proof Positive-Quote du Jour
Randy's Roundtable-Yasmin Jordan
Reaganite Republican-Famed Vegas Oddsmaker Predicting Historic Romney Landslide . .
Sentry Journal-John Roberts: Missing the mark or right on target?
Teresamerica-Help stop one of the worst diseases of a lifetime
Troglopundit-This Week in Automotivators, June 25-July 1
We the People-What Happened to Our country?
Woodsterman--Sunday, July 1, 2012 A cannibal was walking through the jungle
Zilla of the Resistance-Friendly? Yes. Glutton for Punishment? NO.

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