Friday, July 6, 2012

Formspring Question #432--No Shark Jumping Yet Edition

So despite the obvious differences, are you enjoying the 9th season more than you thought you would? You seemed like you were prepared for it to go down hill with the changes.
The X-files senario was fresh in my mind before beginning ninth season reviews. All the major storylines had been resolved, and it was assumed the series would end after the seventh season. In a surprise move, X-Files was renewed for an eighth season. David Duchovny did not want to appear often, so two new characters were added to fill the void. A story arc was crafted that was tangentially related to the main arc that been resolved after seven seasons.

Sound familiar? I never really got into the new characters of Doggett and Reyes because they were not good stand ins for Mulder and Scully. The new story arc was not compelling, either. The new mythology felt tacked on and unimportant. Stargate SG-1 looked like it would potentially have the same problem. I was not sure Cam and Vala could fill the void left by jack, nor would the ori be as good as villains as the Goa’uld and Replicators. I have been pleasantly surprised to find out otherwise.

What has been great about the ninth seasons is the characters are not just phoning it in. Maybe it was Richard Dean Anderson’s growing disinterest that caused the series to lag from seasons six through eight, but now the team all works together with a sense of both fun and purpose. Cam is a more than capable replacement for Jack, whose story had played out long ago. Landry is a much more well-rounded character than Hammond. Beau bridges was inspired casting The Ori make for well-developed, menacing villains. They are not the Goa’uld by a different name.

So, yes, I like the ninth season more consistently than any since about the fifth. I am cautiously optimistic the tenth season will continue to hit the high notes, though I am a bit worried vala’s addition to the main cast might be a detriment. Claudia black is hot, and vala is amusing…in small doses. Twenty in a row constantly beclowning the tone of the series might not go over so well. We shall see. I am going to assume Vala’s has more facets that will be explored the way cam’s have been during the season’s progression.

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