Sunday, April 29, 2012

Blogroll Spotlight #143

It is time for the weekly round up of favorite posts from my blogroll. These are not ranked, but in alphabetical order by blog title. If you would like a specific post listed next week, you may email it to me and I will include it.

Adrienne's Corner-Rumors of War III
American Perspective-Jimmy Kimmel roasts Obama and liberal
American Power-Kelly Brook Tumblr Rule 5
Amusing Bunni's Musings-OMG, The Drama!
Atlas Shrugs-Today We are Fighting for Freedom for All in Dearborn, Michigan
Blog of the Nightfly-We Need an Anti-Congress
Bluegrass Pundit-Video: CNN Host Gasps When Female Student Won't Say She Is Voting For Obama
Bride of Rove-Ok. Let’s go there
Camp of the Saints-D I A N A M O R A L E S . . .
Classic Liberal-You’re a Lie, Rule 5
Colossus of Rhodey--Civilization continues to crumble
Conservative Hideout-Sunday Links: Facebook Friends Pictures Volume 12
Da Tech Guy-Howie Carr at the Nashua Republican Dinner
Daley Gator-Your Sunday Music
Diogenes' Middle Finger-Anybody Seen Joe Biden Lately?
First Street Journal-Ben Bernanke, Paul Krugman and the reality of responsibility
Fishersville Mike-State of the blogosphere
Gormogons-The Bully on the Pulpit
House of Eratosthemes-“Wild Bill’s Tax Plan”
Jake Finnergan--Burkalesque Babes: Beyonce
Laughing Conservative--Obama's great lie about oil
Lazy Farmer-Internet privacy links
Legal Insurrection-Reuters analysis of Obama failures abroad pretty much as expected
Lonely Conservative-Senate Democrats Can’t Pass a Budget Because They’re Too Busy Setting Traps for Republicans
Maggie's Notebook-We Can Take On America…And Win!
Motor City Times-Very Early Sunday Morning Links: The Movie Poster Cliche Edition
Other McCain-Everybody Keeps Getting a Busy Signal at the Blogger Burnout Hotline Nowadays
Paco Enterprises-Sunday Funnies
Pagan Temple--Android Prostitutes of the Future
Pirate's Cove-If All You See…
Proof Positive-Themes Like Old Times
Pundit & Pundette-Steyn at his doggone best
Randy's Roundtable-Midweek Rule 5 Break
Reaganite Republican-Reaganite's Sunday Funnies
Riehl World View-Steven Taylor Hauls Out Soapbox, Craps Pants
Sentry Journal-The Department of Labor: Family traditions turned upside down
Teresamerica-My Book Review of Caine's Pestilence: A Novel by John Bascom
Troglopundit-This Week in Automotivators, April 23-29
We the People-Tactical Tip
Woodsterman--Trailer Trash
WyBlog-Annals of public employee unionista silliness, the we have to use our snow days edition
Zilla of the Resistance-Medical Freedom, Lyme Disease, and Obamacare

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