Monday, April 30, 2012

Formspring Question #406--Christie Catastrophe Edition

What are the chances Mittens will convince Chris Christie to be his running mate?
Mitt Romney could probably easily convince Christ Christie to be his running mate. There is a small army of Republicans who would jump at the chance if asked. The question is whether Romney wants Christie as his running mate. The answer is probably no.

Christie is a colorful loose cannon. Unlike the press’ complete disinterest in Joe Biden’s more--shall we say--interesting public statements, they will pick over every word Christie says, and he will give them plenty of opportunity. Not that Christie makes the dumb statements like Biden, but that he is a little too honest with his opinion. He would overshadow Romney in press coverage in a heartbeat.

As a practical matter, Christie does not bring much to the table. I cannot imagine he could flip New Jersey from Barack Obama to Romney in November. In fact, id Christie is suddenly willing to openly talk about a desire to join the ticket, he is probably concerned about his reelection chances. It is no a secret he had been thinking about a 2016. His chances of winning the nomination then would be greatly diminished as a governor run out of office. Romney himself did not risk another shot as governor in a usually unfriendly state. Christie is more than likely looking out for himself rather than thinking he can enhance the ticket.

Romney’s eventual running mate is not going to be eciting to much of anyone. He is going to pick a safe, solid party man who will fade into the background while Romney takes center stage. Christie does not fit the bill. He is larger than Romney, no fat joke intended. That also counts out pretty much every superstar choice out there whom conservatives are rooting Only if Romney is really desperate will he make a risky Palinesque choice. He probably will not do so then, either. When it comes down to it, what did Sarah Palin do for John McCain? She did not fire up enough conservatives to drag him across the finish line.

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