Friday, April 13, 2012

Formspring Question #394--Rick Rolling Away Edition

Do you still believe Mittens will pick Rick Sanorum as his running mate? If not, who do you think he will choose now?
No. I am willing to admit I blundered with that prediction. I never thought Rick Santorum could keep mitt Romney from winning enough delegates to secure the nomination, but I did think he would continue picking off the more conservative Southern and Heartland states to the point Romney would have to make him an offer.

I did not count on Santorum quitting the race altogether. I am not certain if he quit out of concerns for Bella or if he plans to take a page from Romney‘s playbook and spend the next four years steadily winning the hearts, minds, and wallets of the GOP elites for a 2016 bid. Either way, Santorum is done for this cycle.

Who will Romney choose? I have not the foggiest idea. When was the last time the major party candidate from either party did not make a surprising choice most pundits did not see coming? Conventional wisdom says Romney needs to choose a conservative woman to liven up the ticket and quell the whole ’Republican war on women’ nonsense, but the bruhaha is going to blow over as fast as the birth control drama from a couple weeks ago. I would not be surprised if Romney chooses a moderate Midwestern governor only slightly more conservative than himself.

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