Thursday, April 5, 2012

Formspring Question #391--Final Conflict Edition

Did you ever watch Earth: Final Conflict?

The only thing I know about the show is its infamy for high cast turnover. One figures it is difficult to become absorbed in a show when you cannot become attached to the characters. If you cannot get into the characters, there is only the plot. I have yet to hear any compliments about that, either. Aliens invade Earth…vvvveeerrryyy ssslllooowwwlllyyy is about it.

Just about every geek I know ranks it right down there with Andromeda. it is another case of Majel Barrett rummaging through the late Gene Roddenberry’s papers for any idea he may have scribbled out on a random cocktail napkin to aqueeze every dime she could out of him.

Roddenberry’s ideas were not that great when he was alive. The whole cannot get blood from a turnip admonition applies to his ashes.

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