Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Formspring Question #401--Paulista Plotting Edition

Did Ron Paul just use his crazy, vote-stealing strategy to win Iowa and Minnesota? Um…I don’t even know what to say to this. How can that happen?
It would appear the Paulistas have pulled off a coup in both Iowa and Minnesota. Iowa is particularly funny since this is the second time the state has changed hands. Why did this happen? It is most likely the incompetence of the Republican party to run a well-organized, efficient nomination process.

I would not fret over it. At beast, Ron Paul’s continued campaign will be a symbolic nipping at Mitt Romney’s heels. Romney is the Republican nominee. He is the one the power that be wanted all along. They would not let Ron Paul get anywhere near the nomination even if there was a remote chance he could swipe it away from Romney. Paul himself publicly admits he will never be president. He is all about some idealistic cause.

Do what I do--just sit back and be amused at the Paulista antics. The nomination gatekeepers are going to hold them at bay, so their crusade is harmless. At least they are devoting their energy into affecting an election which has already been all but decided into of focusing on something they could really screw up.

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