Monday, March 26, 2012

Doctor Who Series Seven Trailer

It looks like only two or three episodes are featured, but what is there is cool. The production values of the wild west town are fantastic. I am amused at the admonition that anyone who is not an American needs to put down his or her gun before someone accidentally shoots someone. That is right, folks. Leave gun totin' to the professionals.

It reminds me of the scene from Torchwood in which Jack Harkness teaches Gwen cooper, a Cardiff policewoman, to use a gun for the first time. She grabs it with both hands and aims like sonny Crockett. She took to it like a fish to water. By Children of Earth she was leaping about firing pistols in each hand. not to mention the bazooka in Miracle Day.

Jenna-Louise Coleman will not show up in episodes until 2013, but that does not mean I cannot post a new photo:She is cute.

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