Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Real Issue with Sandra Fluke

The big issue surrounding the entire Sandra Fluke bruhaha is not whether Rush Limbaugh’s sexually charged epithet applies to her. Fluke’s sex life does not matter to me at all. She can spend every spring break willingly thrown naked into a Turkish prison for all I care. The issue about fluke is that she is so sadly indicative of today’s shameless, entitled young generation.

Look at what fluke has done. She is a law student, who, while almost certainly saying she was motivated to become a lawyer to change things for the better, is actually attending because she wants a job that will net her $75,000+ a year at her peak earning potential. As a law school graduate myself, I tell her that as a dream she needs to be ready to see fade away. She goes up to capitol Hill a young, sharp law student--a leader of tomorrow--to tell a congressional committee she has so much sex, she cannot afford the birth control and wants someone else to pay for it. Whether that someone has a moral objection is irrelevant, because I assume Fluke is a good progressive who believes moral relativity is the cure to the horrible crime of passing moral judgment.

What a classless and bratty thing to do. Classless in the sense you should not kiss and tell period, much less to a congressional committee where the entire country is going to hear every word of it. Bratty in the sense of entitlement. Fluke genuinely believes she should be able to have as much sex as she wants beyond what she can afford to protect herself from getting pregnant, so it is up to someone else to pay for her to do so. The mindset you have to have for such a rationale is spoiled beyond anything I can imagine.

The icing on the cake? Barack Obama calls Fluke to tell her her parents must be so proud of her. Without a hint of sarcasm, no less. Yes, I know I would love for my daughter to go before congress and testify she has so much sex, she needs subsidized birth control. They do not make proud parent bumper stickers for that one, folks.

The thing I take away most from the entire sordid affair is not that progressive ideology is rotten to the core. That goes without saying. The takeaway is fluke is indicative of the Millennial Generation conservatives are being warned that need to attract in order to survive electorally. Really? Because Fluke is a fine example of what happens when all sense of moral values breaks down in a society. If conservatives have to abandon moral principles in order to appeal to Fluke and her likeminded ilk--not that they would ever support conservatives, anyway--then I would rather lose the occasional election than aid the cultural slide into the sewer.

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