Monday, March 5, 2012

Sci Fi Girl #27--Zoe Saldana

Anamaria--Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Nyota Uhura--Star Trek
Alisha--The Loser

The lovely Zoe Saldana has become a part of three of the largest contemporary genre franchises, so she is a must for inclusion. Saldana is not above heroism herself, so she is an awesome person, too.

Good news--she is a bit of a geek herself. Any girl who lists The Goonies and Charlie Chaplin’s The Kid among her favorite films is all right in my book.

Saldana is all right in my book, by the way. Her portrayal of uhura is one of the few bright spots of J. J. Abrams’ Star Trek. I am not one of those fans who thinks she has somehow diminished Nichelle Nichols’ original portrayal of the character. No slight meant towards Nichols. She was hot in her prime and radiates nothing but class these days--and let us face it, she endured more indignity playing Uhura than most fans care to admit--but Saldana is my Uhura. That should throw a lot of old school Trekkie hatred my way.

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