Monday, March 19, 2012

Formspring Question #382--Social Decay Edition

What do you think is the next social media site to go the way of MySpace?

There is nothing going on over there,. With Google’s new absurd privacy policy that lets everyone you know be aware of everything you do, there will not be many new people signing up. Which is not to say google= is going to disappear. Google can bleed money out the wazoo with the site and still roll in cash. It will probably become a niche site for social media techies the same wat mySpace is now the hang out for teenage hipsters.

I am surprised twitter is still popular. It is a useful tool for sharing web pages you have discover, but otherwise, it is incredibly frivolous. What can one say in 140 characters that is important enough to not get lost in a sea of other banal 140 character comments/ if users were not hooked on the faux familiarity Twitter gives them with celebrities and media personalities, I doubt many would use it.

Yes, I do note the irony I will share this post on Twitter after I have published it. I will not add it to Google+, however. So there.

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