Friday, March 16, 2012

Formspring Question #379--Government Power Grab Through Spending Edition

Congressional Reps are too attached to conservative fiscal orthodoxy. I am all for lowering deficit and shrinking gov, but that shouldn't be an issue when it comes to infrastructure or defense. Some things gov really DOES need to spend money on. Thoughts
I have yet to hear anyone other than a progressive claim repiblicans are too obsessed with fiscal conservatism. Pretty much everyone else thinks they spend money like redneck lottery winners and on about as frivolous items.

Even Grover Norquist, who has said he would like to shrink government to a size at which it can be drowned in a bathtub, acknowledges there must be a government financed by taxes. There are some things a government has to compel its citizerns to pay for. A privately financed army or police force, for instance, would never have the resources to function and would have questionable loyalty. Why protect people who are not paying for it? The idea of private roads, bridges, and such is also unworkable. Private owners can set odd restrictions and fees.

There would be chaos. So yes, government has to spend money on defense and infrastructure. But spending on those are not the problem. The problem is that government is a leviathan constantly seeking more power over its citizens’ lives. The best way to do that is enslave the citizenry through entitlement spending. The vast majority of the federal budget goes to entitlement spending--Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, and coming soon ObamaCare, et al. Now we have added corporate bailouts and risky green energy investments, so the definition of dependents now includes bad business decision makers and pie in the sky utopia dreamers. In five years, we will have added more to the list. Probably fewer with Mitt Romney as president than if Barack Obama is elected, but addition nevertheless.

Do not believe me? This entire birth control debate has multiple motivations, among them an attempt for government to usurp power over religion, which is its main competition for hearts and minds, and silencing rush Limbaugh. But at the heart of it is government convincing women their birth control needs to be paid for--thereby controlled--by government spending. Birth control is only the most recent example. Government continues a slow, but steady power grab by convincing you it is protecting your rights while it picks yur pocket instead.

If you are asking me if wasting too much time on issues like government and infrastructure spending is bad instead of emphasizing entitlement spending, then I agree. To do so is like placing a bandaid on a severed artery. Not only will the gushing bleeding not stop, it will eventually prove fatal. If you re arguing that republicans ought to stop being sticklers about spending period, then you must want them to become Democrats.

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