Thursday, March 15, 2012

Formspring Question #378--Real Time Without Bill Maher Edition

Do you typically write your recurring posts (such as TV reviews and babe-of-the-day_ in batches and schedule them, or do you tend to write and post in real time?
Usually in real time.

The only times I do television reviews in batches is when I am either going to be away from the computer significantly or because I am really into a storyline and do not want to wait to see the rest of it. That is the joy of owning DVD. If I post episode reviews at roughly the same time for a few days in a row, one or the other is currently happening.

I already gathered up all the photos I wanted to use for Sc Fi Girls along with a written blurb, so that was done ahead of time. So is a less rigid theme for next month. I am gathering a Halloween theme for October already. I am the kind of guy who has to start working on an idea immediately or else I will jump to something else and never come back.

I have answered form spring questions as soon as I see them and I have waited around until they piled up. It depends on my current enthusiasm to answer what is asked. I get two or three gay marriage questions a week and at least one why do I not like ENT. I ignore them both at this point.

Most everything else is written on a spur of the moment whim. I have been having a difficult time with that lately. I do not care about birth control or the republican march off the cliff after Mitt Romney, so current events posting has been almost non-existent. That is why I have been more keen on regular features as of late. If I come up with something more creative, I will give it a go.

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