Saturday, March 10, 2012

Five Problems with Mitt Romney

Forget that Rick Santorum did not suffer a knockout blow on Super Tuesday or the RNC’s announcement Newt Gingrich is in second place as far as pledged delegates are concerned. The campaign for the GOP nomination has reached the point at which momentum is irrelevant and all that counts is number of delegates. In that regard, Mitt Romney has over twice as many delegates as Santorum with no opportunities for the former senator from Pennsylvania to significantly catch up. Romney is the nominee. He just cannot officially be crowned yet.

With the sad fact we are stuck with Romney in mind, it is a good idea to embrace the Reality of Romney:

1. Mitt Romney is the elite’s favorite--this essentially means he is a status quo candidate. Romney does not care about changing anything in Washington. His only desire is that he be in charge of the mess that is already there. In some election cycles, that might not be such a problem, but the obama administration has made such radical progressive economic policies that a radical conservative administration is needed to bring the country back from the brink. It is not going to happen.

2. Mitt Romney does not believe in anything--when he was governor of Massachusetts, he was in favor of gun control, pro-choice, and pro-gay marriage. Now that he is running for president, he has completely reversed his gubernatorial positions in order to win the republican nomination. How far left will he go when he switches from nominee candidate to nominee/? The fact he has written off most of the social conservative South because he cannot plausibly pander to those voters is telling. An optimist might think a republican congress can yank President Romney to the right. I am a skeptic who believe unless an elected official has an expressly staunch dedication to conservative principles, he will inevitably move to the left over time. Romney cannot even fake conservatism. The spending habits of Republican controlled congresses in recent memory is not a cause for optimism, either.

3. Mitt Romney is not going to touch ObamaCare--Forget his state’s rights rhetoric that RomneyCare is good for Massachusetts, but not for the nation. (What does that even mean? ) RomneyCare and ObamaCare are virtually the same. They are also equally overbloated failures which both obama and Romney would like to forget. I imagine both will dodge the issue for as long as possible so they can either thank the supreme court for getting rid of it or blame the court for its continued failure. Which ever happens, do not count on anything out of Romney.

4. Mitt Romney is out of touch--Up until this point, I have been working under the assumption Romney will be elected president. Let us get more realistic and talk of what an uphill battle that will be. Romney attempts to make a $10,000 bet during a debate, says he enjoys firing people during a period of high unemployment, talks about his fleet of expensive cars, says he does not follow NASCAR, but knows wealthy owners, and his wife does not think their $200 million net worth makes them wealthy. In an economic freefall like we are currently in, people want their presidential candidates to say ‘I feel your pain,” not “Throw another peasant on the fire, Jeeves I feel a chill coming on.” Witness the 1992 election.

5. Mitt Romney feels no empathy--This ties in with the previous point, but on a more personal level. Romney says he does not care about poor people because they have welfare. Such a statement makes him sound cold. It does not bode well for entitlement reform, either, but who thought that was going to happen, anyway? Romney was a venture capitalist, much means he advised companies to restructure in order to before profitable. Such restructuring virtually always involves layoffs. That is reality as far as I am concerned, but does not fly well when one is being advertised as a job creator in a time when so many are out of work. How about taking a twelve hour car trip with the dog strapped to the roof in a carrier/ or when the dogs craps all over itself out of fear, casually hosing it off at a gas station and putting the poor animal back on the roof/ What kind of person does these things without realizing how they come across?

It is going to be a long, nasty race. By the end, you are not going to want either one of the candidates to win.

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